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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Cicciomessere Roberto - 20 febbraio 1991
Arms export (2)

Resolution at the (Foreign Affairs) Commission

granted that in order to become operative, bill No.185 of 9 July 1990, containing "New norms on the control of the export, import and transit of armament material" provides a series of fulfilments on the part of the Government, which include:

1) the passage of the list of armament materials (art.2, comma third) within 180 days from the date in which the bill becomes effective;

2) the institution of the national register of the companies and company syndicates operating in the sector of the planning, manufacture, import, maintenance and processing in any way connected to armament material (art.3, comma first);

3) the institution of the interdepartmental Committee for the exchanges of armament material for defensive purposes - CISD (art.6, first comma);

4) the institution of the consultive committee for the export, import and transit of armament material (art.7, first comma);

5) the constitution, within 120 days from the date in which the bill becomes effective, of the Office at the Presidency of the Council charged with providing opinions, information, etc to the CISD;

6) the promulgation, within 120 days from the date in which the bill becomes effective, of the regulation containing the norms for the execution;

acknowledging that the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic of 25 January 1991 published the deliberation with which it prolongs the implementation of the transitory regime, that is, the implementation of the dispositions contained in the previous regulations "considering that the executive provisions of law No. 185 of 9 July 1990 are still not effective";

acknowledging that only one of the six administrative requirements mentioned above, the one concerning the constitution of the CISD (Interdepartmental Committee for the exchanges of armament material for defensive purposes), has been fulfilled;

acknowledging that several papers report that according to the research carried out by the U.S. journalist Kenneth Timmerman for the Los Angeles "Simon Wiesenthal Center", several Italian firms have allegedly supplied weapons and war material to Iraq even after the beginning of the hostilities in the Gulf. According to such research, the firms involved in the clandestine arms traffic are: Ausidet, Montedison, Snia-Techint, Snia-Bpd, Technipetrol, Euromac, Bnl, Danieli, Ilva, Iri and Società delle Fucine.

commits the Government

to comply with all the requirements provided in bill No.185 of 9 July 1990 within February 15

to report to the committee on the denounced violations of the embargo ratified with bill No. 220 of 6 August 1990 containing "urgent measures relative to the commodities of the Iraqi republic" and with bill No. 247 of 23 August 1990 containing "urgent provisions concerning the situation in the Persian Gulf"

to immediately report on the authorization operations carried out from 1 January 1990 to date, especially for that which concerns the export of armament material and the issue of manufacturing licenses to Iraq, Iran and Syria;

Roberto Cicciomessere

Emma Bonino

Giuseppe Calderisi

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