Siracusa, December 2-5, 1992
Languages: English, French, Italian
Association International de Droit Penal (AIDP)
DePaul University International Human Rights Law Institute (DPU/IHRLI)
International Bar Association (IBA)
International Centre for the Reform of Criminal Law (ICRCL)
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
International Law Association (ILA)
International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crimes Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme (ISPAC)
Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA)
Under the Auspices of the Italian Minister of Justice
December 2
AM - Arrival of Participants
5:00 - 7:30 PM Welcome and Opening Addresses
Chair: Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni,
Professor of Law; President, International
Human Rights Law Institute, DePaul
University; President, International
Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal
Sciences; President, International
Association of Penal Law
Dott. F.Cirillo, Mayor of Siracusa
H.E. Claudio Martelli, Minister of Justice
of Italy
H.E. Giulio Andreotti, Member of Parliament
and Former Prime Minister of Italy
H.E. Antoine Blanca, Under-Secretary-Gen.,
United Nations
H.E. Hugo Caminos, Assistant Secretary
General, Organization of American
H.E. Ahmad Fathi Sorour, President Egyptian
The Honorable Paul East, Attorney General
Member of Parliament (New Zealand)
The Hon. A.N. Robinson, M.P.; Former Prime
Minister (Trinidad and Tobago)
Mr. Herman Woltring, Acting Director,
United Nations Crime Prevention and
Criminal Justice Branch
Ambassador Maurice Capithorne, ICRCR;
Vice-President, The Society for the
Reform of Criminal Law; Director,
Centre fro Criminal Law Reform and
Criminal Justice Policy (Canada)
Professor Said el-Dakkak, President, ILA
Mr. Adama Dieng, Secretary-General, ICJ
Dr. Kennedy Graham, Secretary-General, PGA
(New Zealand)
General Rapporteur for the opening session:
Professor Reynald Ottenhof,
Secretaire-General, AIDP; Professor
de Droit Pénal, Université de Pau
December 3
9:30 - 10:30 Alternative Models and Approaches to the
Establishment of an International Criminal
Presenter: Professor M.Cherif Bassiouni
10:30 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 13:00 Panel Discussion: The Political Dimension
Chair: H.E. Giulio Andreotti, Member of
Parliament; Former Prime Minister (Italy)
Hon. Tadatoshi Akiba, M.P. (Japan)
Hon. Emma Bonino, M.P. (Italy)
Hon. Wassim Sajjid, President of the
Senate (Pakistan)
Hon. Eduardo Carmel, M.P. (Perů)
Hon. William Powell, M.P. (U.K.)
Hon. Ian Waddell, M.P. (Canada)
General Rapporteur: Dr. Kennedy Graham,
Secretary-General, PGA (New Zealand)
4:30 - 7:30 Panel Discussion: The Legal Dimension
Chair: Professor Christian Tomushat,
Chairman of the ILC; Professor of
International Law, The University of Bonn
Ambassador Nabil el-Arabi, Permanent
Representative of Egypt to the U.N. (Egypt)
Ambassador Hans Corell, Under-Secretary for
Legal Affairs (Sweden)
President Giuseppe di Gennaro, Section
President, Supreme Court (Italy)
Ambassador Andreas Jacovides, Member, ILC
Mr. Vladimir Kotliar, Director,
Codification Division (United Nations)
Recteur Claude Lombois, The University of
Paris II (France)
Ambassador Vacklev Mikulka, Member, ILC
(Czech Republic)
Professor John Murphy, Villanova University
Rapporteur ABA Task Force on an ICC (USA)
Professor Alain Pellet, Member ILC (France)
Hon. Edilbert Razafindralambo, Member, ILC
Deputy Solicitor-General Robinson, Member,
ILC (Jamaica)
H.E. Doudou Thiam, Former Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Member, ILC (Senegal)
Professor Sharon Williams, Osgoode Hall Law
School (Canada)
General Rapporteur for the Session of the
Legal Dimension:
Professor Christopher Blakesley, Professor
of Law, Louisiana State University (USA)
9:00 Reception and Dinner in Honor of
December 4
9:30 - 12:30 Panel Discussion: Regional Perspectives
Chair: H.E. Hugo Caminos, Assistant
Secretary-General of OAS
Hon. Julio Camino, M.P. (Venezuela)
Ambassador Francisco V. Kramer, Member, ILC
Member, Judicial Committee, OAS (Guatemala)
Dr. E. Muller-Rappard (Council of Europe)
Judge G. Polimeni, Ministry of Justice
Hon. Dr. George Vanossi, M.P.; Member,
Juridical Committee of the OAS (Argentina)
Dr. Peter Wilkitski, Ministry of Justice
General Rapporteur for the Session on
Regional Perspectives: Professor Otto
Triffterer, University of Salzbourg
4:30 - 7:30 General Discussion and Recommendations
Chair: Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni
Closing Statement: H.E. Gaetano Adinolfi,
Under-Secretary-General (Council of Europe)
Hon. Valdo Spini, M.P.; Under-Secretary,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Italy)
General Rapporteur for the Session on
General Discussions and Recommendations:
Professor G.O.W. Muller, Distinguished
Professor of Criminal Justice, Rutgers
University; Former Director, United
Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal
Justice Branch (USA)
9:00 Gala Dinner at Hotel Villa Politi
December 5
10:00 - 12:00 Twentieth Anniversary Ceremony of the
International Institute of Higher Studies
in Criminal Sciences
To be held at Palazzo Vermexio, Siracusa,
followed by a luncheon offered by the Mayor
of Siracusa