A delegation from Kosova - Ms.Edita Tahiri, LDK presidency member, Dr.Xhavit Ahmeti and Dr.Edi Shukriu, members of the Main Board of the LDK, all of them members of the Republic of Kosova Parliament, participated in the 37th Congress of the Radical Transnational Party that took place in Rome from 6 to 9 April 1995.
Ms.Edita Tahiri, addressing the covention, urged the international community apply the self-determination principle in attempts to peacefully settle crises. She said the leadership of Kosova has committed itself to a peaceful policy in the drive of the people of Kosova and its legitimate right to democracy, self-determination and independance.
Edita Tahiri called on the international community to put in place a preventive diplomacy so as to ensure that Kosova as a flashpoint does not degenerate into a conflict with grave consequences for the region.