Moscow, April 4, 1995
Dear friends,
By this letter which we send to three thousands of members and supporters of the Radical Party in Russia, we open a new campaign of the transnational and trans-party Radical Party - campaign against militarism.
We, who live and work in Russia, must leave many illusions. Including those obtained after August 1991 and especially after suppression of the armed communist-fascist rebellion in October 1993. Illusions, that new democratic Russia will nevermore follow the old, imperialist, militarist path. After the tragedy of Chechnya there are almost no people to convict, that struggle for democracy in Russia should mean perhaps first of all a struggle against Russian militarism.
It is already not the first time, when we initiate our anti-militarist battle. In the early 70s in Italy the party has already conducted a successful campaign for recognizing the right to refuse military service on reasons of conscience - using the Gandhi-style weapon of political non-violence, including hunger strikes held by Marco Pannella and other Radicals. In 1990-91 in Soviet Union we set for the first time and put onto the agenda of public debates the question about recognizing of such right in USSR. Many things have been changed since that time. Soviet Union does not exist anymore. Both Supreme Soviet of USSR and Supreme Soviet of RSFSR, which our first appeals for conscientious objection right were addressed to, became part of history. The Constitution of new Russia adopted in December 1993, declares every citizen's right to refuse military service in its Article 57. However, the law which would regulate the implementation of this constitutional right and granting the alternative civilian service in
stead of military one, does not exist yet.
Thus, the first stage of anti-militarist campaign should become an initiative for the soonest adoption the conscientious objection bill. However, not every law on this subject will satisfy us. At present time two committees of the State Duma - on defence and on the public organizations and religious communities - have drafted a project of Federal Law "On Alternative Civilian Service". In December last year it was passed by Duma in the first reading. No doubt, it is a positive step in proper direction. Nevertheless, this draft law is still far from being ideal. First of all, because of some regulations, which we cannot accept: the convictions allowing to claim the alternative civilian service are reduced to strongly pacifist ones, those in principle preventing from direct participation in warfare and from holding arms; the draft commissions have right to judge the sincerity of a draftee's convictions and therefore to refuse granting the alternative civilian service; terms of alternative civilian service excee
d in one and half times the terms of the military one; the carrying out of the alternative civilian service is impossible out of Russian Federation territory; its financing is carried out from the general state budget.
But even such a conformist variant does not satisfy the Defense Ministry and political circles expressing interests of military-industrial complex and generals. Directly or furtively, they try to influence on authors of the draft bill in order to get such an "alternative service", which would be granted exclusively on belonging to a determined religious confession; which would be fulfilled in auxiliary units of the army and navy; which implementation would begin not earlier than in 1999. In fact, it is matter of legalizing under the pretence of alternative civilian service the system of forced labor in the military structures, similar to the notorious "construction battalions". With his original laconicism and elegancy, Mr. Zhirinovsky has already formulated this idea: "They don't want serve? Let them clean lavatory cans."
Exactly therefore we begun collection of signatures under the Appeal "For Conscientious Objection Right, Against Militarism", addressed to the both chambers of Russian parliament as well as to the president. In this Appeal we fixed our notion about the principles which must be laid down into a conscientious objection bill in order to make it not only fully corresponding to the internationally recognized human rights standards and, in particular, to the latest recommendations of the European Parliament (Resolution A3-0411/93), but also contributing to the demilitarization of Russian society and conversion of the military structures into the civilian ones. This Appeal is already signed by several members of Russian State Duma: Valerij Borscev, Ivan Starikov, Anatolij Juscenko, Viktor Shejnis, Vladimir Gricanj, Aleksandr Turbanov, Mihail Glubokovskij. We hope, they will be our active allies in struggle for passing a really progressive conscientious objection bill.
Now we appeal also to you - to everybody among those joining Radical Party and participating in its battles, or "simply" repeatedly responding to our initiatives. Let's try again to mobilize all our forces. Let's try to collect 50,000 signatures of Russian citizens: of men and women, of students and pensioners, of workers and intellectuals, of draftees and retired officers - of all those who are not indifferent to the problems of human rights and democracy. There is the text of the appeal hereby enclosed. On the reverse side there is a place for 18 signatures. If you can, copy it, try to collect 36, 54, 72 signatures - as much as it will be enough your energy and enthusiasm of people around you.
Try to keep in touch with other Radicals or supporters in your city, village, rayon, region. Perhaps, together you will menage to organize the entire petition campaign - for example, you could install a table on the main street of your town and collect several hundreds of signatures. Contact Moscow office of the Radical Party and we will give you addresses and phone numbers of Radicals in your city.
We have few time. In the nearest weeks the conscientious objection draft bill must pass the second reading in the Duma, then - the third one. It means, that by June we must collect and present to the State Duma all the petition lists. Therefore let's act without delay. The filled petition lists - one by one - send to Moscow office of the RP by post or, better, by fax (095) 9239127 (there is a public facsimile service on post office in every big city, in almost every rayon center).
If we and you win this first struggle on our anti-militarist front, if we will be so strong that menage to collect and present several tens of thousands of signatures - the fact which will be very difficult to ignore - then, after adopting the conscientious objection bill, will be a time to think about the next stage of our anti-militarist campaign, to set a new goal: 1 million of signatures in Russia for the referendum about transition to the voluntary professional principle of recruitment for the army. But it is afterwards. And for the time being...
We hope, everybody of you receives the Transnational Agency and is informed about all our campaigns and initiatives. Therefore you know, that we send you this letter several days before the opening of the XXXVII Congress of our party. The Congress, whose priority will be the heavy economical situation of the Radical Party, the discrepancy between party's financial possibilities and demands of its new transnational structure, the global aims which we determined for ourselves. We don't make any commercial business, unlike other parties we don't change lobbying of some interests to financial well-disposing to our needs. The only source of our income are membership fees, we exist thanks to that men and women in all the world who join Radical Party to make possible realization of the projects, which we unite for.
In order to support at least a minimal organizational structure of the party in Russia, it's necessary to dispose about 96,000 dollars every year. Of course, to conduct any initiatives, additional money are needed. Only this mailing costs one and half thousands of dollars. By other words, in order to make Radical Party present in Russia - and, therefore, to make possible our anti-militarist campaign and initiative for conscientious objection right - it is necessary, that at least 12,000 of Russians join Radical Party, a transnational trans-party, for 1995, paying the minimal yearly membership fee, which is established for Russia as 8 dollars (today it is equal to 40,000 rubles, or about 110 rubles per day). Is this sum so big? Perhaps, everybody could contribute for the activity, whose goals he shares, the sum, in six times less than what he spends for metro. If you can, pay not minimal fee, but so much as you spend yearly buying one daily newspaper: 24 dollars, or 120,000 rubles (330 rubles per day).
You know, that enrollment to the Radical Party is effective only for one year. In the beginning of the next, 1996 you will decide again the question about your membership.
This letter will be received by 3,000 persons. Thus, in order to reach the number of 12,000 members, everybody of you should enroll to the Radical Party another three of your friends, acquaintances, colleagues.
Is the goal realistic, does it not mean another utopia? It depends from everybody of us. One thing is clear: without you, without your efforts, your energy and - without your fees and contributions we will not be able to achieve what we plan, we will not menage to become a force withstanding to militarism, to obtain acknowledgment of conscientious objection right as a universal civil right.
Thus, we appeal to you urging to do at least three things - simple and at the same time very important:
-- collect minimum 18 signatures under the Appeal "For Conscientious Objection Right, Against Militarism", send it as soon as possible to us by post or by fax (095) 9239127;
-- join the Transnational Radical Party for 1995 (the minimal yearly membership fee is 40,000 rubles, the recommended one 120,000 rubles), using the hereby enclosed coupon;
-- convince three your acquaintances to follow your example and also join Radical Party for one year.
...We send this letter and start to wait for your responses - everyday, with heart stillstanding. But still we have a hope. But still we believe, that together we menage to do what we plan.
See you!
Mamuka Tsagareli Nikolaj Khramov
(vice president (member of General Council
of General Council of the Radical Party)
of the Radical Party)