Total number of signatures: 920
in Russia 895
abroad 25
members of parliament and government 12
mayors, governors, regional or city councillors 1
other personalities 23
Among them:
- Boris Ljvovich ALJTSHULER, chairman of Movement Without Frontiers;
- Kara-kys Dongakovna ARAKCHAA, member of Russian State Duma (NRP);
- Igorj Aleksandrovich BEZRUKOV, member of Amnesty Commission by Russian president;
- Valerij Vasiljevich BORSCEV, member of Russian State Duma (JBL);
- Lejla COROEVA, chairwoman of Ingush Women's Committee;
- Mihail Konstantinovich GLUBOKOVSKIJ, member of Russian State Duma (JBL);
- Vladimir Vasiljevich GRICANJ, member of Russian State Duma (VR);
- Anatolij Aleksandrovich JUSCENKO, member of Russian State Duma (VR);
- Barbara KERNEK-SAMSON, Moscow correspondent of Kursbuch;
- Kyoko KHAYASHI, representative of Nippoza Mehozi Buddhist Order;
- Marija Ivanovna KIRBASOVA, chairwoman of Russian Committee Of Soldiers' Mothers;
- Viktor Nikolaevich LOTKOV, member of Russian State Duma (NRP);
- Vladimir Nikolaevich MANANNIKOV, member of Russian State Duma (VR);
- Marina Evgenjevna SALJE, co-president of Free Democratic Party;
- Igorj Arkadjevich SEREBRJANYJ, member of Moscow Regional Duma;
- Viktor Leonidovich SHEJNIS, member of Russian State Duma (JBL);
- Ivan Valentinovich STARIKOV, member of Russian State Duma (VR);
- Magomed Omarovich TOLBOEV, member of Russian State Duma (NRP), deputy chairman of Committee on Industry;
- Aleksandr Vladimirovich TURBANOV, member of Russian State Duma (PRES);
- Igorj Gavrilovich USTINOV, member of Russian State Duma;
- Aleksandr Alekseevich VARENCOV, director of Novgorod Regional Art Center.