During the XXXVII Conference of the Transnational Radical Party, which was held in Rome from 6 to 9 April participated deputies and leaders of this party from many places of the world.
Among the participators, guests to that conference were also delegations from Kosova, Albania and FYROM. In the delegation from Kosova were Edita Tahiri, member of the presidency of LDK, Dr.Xhavit Ahmeti and Edi Shukriu, members of General Council of LDK and members of Parliament of the Republic of Kosova. As a part of proceedings, Congress of this party consacrated to the actual crises, and attempts to peacefully settle crises.
The attitude of the delegation from Kosova was presented by Edita Tahiri. Ms.Edita Tahiri informed the participators for systematic Serbian repression against Albanians.
She said the leadership of Kosova has committed itself to a peaceful policy onto the drive of the people of Kosova and its legitimate right to democracy, self-determination and independence.
With the intention to escape the conflict, Ms. Edita Tahiri asked to exercise influence of international community.
Kosova is a dangerous region, added Ms. Edita Tahiri. In that case she called on the international community to put in place a preventive diplomacy so as to ensure that Kosova, as a flash point, won't degenerate into a conflict with grave consequences for the region.
(KIC, 14 april 1995)