Appeal by the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Mr. Laszlo Kovacs to the Parties on the occassion of the first anniversary of the cease-fire in and around Nagorno-Karabach
Mr. Laszlo Kovacs is also Foreign Ministry of Hungarian Republic.
Budapest, May 12, 1995
"It is with real pleasure and satisfaction to mark today the first anniversary of the cease-fire in the region of Nagorno-Karabakh agreed upon on 12 May 1994 through the mediation of the Russian Federation and in cooperation with OSCE Minsk Group. This important anniversary gives us the hope that the cease-fire will continue and provide the necessary background for the peaceful settlement of the conflict.
As it was clearly emphasized by all high-ranking participants of the Budapest Summit Meeting the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe attaches great importance to make progress in sttling the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as soon as possible. The only instrument for that may be the way of negotiations without any preconditions or procedural obstacles. The OSCE will
do its utmost - forst of all within the framework of the Minsk process - to contribute to this end.
In this connection I welcome the resumption of the negotiations to
start in the coming days in Moscow with the mediation of the Co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Conference and aiming at the preparation of the agreement on cessation of the armed conflict, which is of crucial importance at the recent stage of the settlement.
Now, on the day of the first anniversary of the cease-fire in the region of Nagorno-Karabakh I appeal to you to and any kind of hostilities between your nations. This anniversary also provides an opportunity for generous gestures by all parties namely to release prisoners of war and civilian detainees in accordance with your obligations under the provisions of the 1949 Geneva Conventions. All necessary measures should be taken to prevent further suffering of the civilian population affected by the long armed conflict. These steps will surely serve as significant confidence-building measure. They would enhance confidence between the parties, so desperately needed in order to embark on fruitful negotiations aimed at a peaceful settlement.
I also appeal to all participating States of the OSCE to offer all the necessary political support to this process, including the means indispensable to mounting a credible peace-keeping operation in the region.
After a recent visit of my Personal Representative and the Co-Chairmanship of the Minsk Conference in the region and judging by the atmosphere and the attitude expressed by the parties, I firmly hope that my Appeal will be taken into due consideration by all of you.
In this connection I consider it as a promising development that Armenia has recently made an important step by announcing the release of all Azeri POWs and civilians, a step which, I do hope, will be soon reciprocated by others as well."
Laszlo Kovacs