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lun 17 mar. 2025
[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Sergio - 15 maggio 1995
The parliamentary motion on moratorium that I have just put in this conference has already been diffused in Italy and in other countries, two months ago, within the magazin "Hands Off Cain". As I explained in my report in the 37th Congress of the Radical Party, we can't simply follow the same way of last year: from only one Parliament, from only one Government, to the United Nations. This year we have to start from at least two, three Parliaments (as well as from the European Parliament). Let's begin to talk about, but also to check the possibilities of presenting the motion, the availabilitis of militants and members of Parliaments, in order to identify as soon as possible the Parliaments or, directly, the Governments to choose as main targets.

The work to do is rather difficult, we risk not to be in time: as it's written in the motion, a Government can ask UNO to include in the agenda a point about death penalty by August 20. Maybe we should start to collect signatures and to contact the goverments just now, and later to decide whether to present the motion, to proceede with the demands by the Governments or to withdraw them. I don't know. Till now, as far as I know, a first collection of signatures has been started in the Italian Parliament.

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