Elected on the Constituent assembly - Moscow, May 13, 1995Secretary:
Was born in 1963 in Moscow. After school became a student of Moscow Technological Institute of Light Industry, then was a student of Moscow State University, faculty of journalism. Since 1983 was actively taking part in Moscow Trust Group - an independent peace group persecuted by KGB. In 1984 has been expelled from university for "anti-Soviet activity", in conditions of permanent KGB watching three times during the summer was imprisoned for 15 days each time on the false accusations in "hooliganism" and "disobedience to policemen". In autumn of the same year after receiving the draft call, refused military service motivating such a step as a protest against war in Afghanistan and non-recognizing in the USSR the conscientious objection right. After four and a half months in military prisons and hospitals on the Far East, was released without a trial and returned to the active anti-militarist activity in Moscow. In 1987-89 was editor and publisher of Samizdat bulletin "Denj Za Dnem" (Day by day) - a chronicle
of anti-militarist movement in USSR. During 1984-86 totally 8 times was sentenced to 15-days of imprisonment on the false accusations, protesting each time by hunger strike in prison. He got many threats and several times was beaten on the street by "unknown hooligans".
Is active in Radical Party since 1989, being enrolled as one of the first in USSR, together with Antonio Stango created in Moscow the first Radical cell in Soviet Union. Since that time participated in all without exception initiatives of Radical Party in USSR and later in CIS. In 1991 in Kiev formed the first group of Radicals in Ukraine. In 1992-94 was living in Kiev, directing the work of Kiev office of the party and coordinating Radical activities in Ukraine and Moldova. After assassination of Andrea Tamburi in February 1994, returned to Moscow. In 1992-95 was member of General Council of Radical Party. At present time, working in Moscow office of the party, is one of the coordinators of Radical Party's activity in former Soviet Union, in particular dedicates himself to the Radical anti-militarist campaign in Russia. In January 1995 together with Antonio Stango was in warfare zone in Chechnya, completing Radical Party mission in order to learn directly the situation and one more time to draw attention of
the world public opinion to the human rights violations committing by Russian army in Chechnya.
Was born in 1965 in Tbilisi. In 1987 completed faculty of geology of Tbilisi Polytechnic Institute. Since 1984 was member of "Saint Tamar Society", an illegal anti-Soviet organization setting as its goal deoocupation of Georgia. Since 1987 was member of Ilja Chavchavadze Society - an organization, advocating Georgian independence already on the legal base - being chairman of human rights section within this society. In April 1989 became one of the founding members of Georgian National Independence Party (GNIP) - a liberal party which defined its goal as liberation from Soviet colonialism by means of a wide Gandhi-styled non-violent campaign of civil disobedience. In 1989-93 is member of GNIP Main Committee responsible for the international liaisons of the party. Since 1989 till achieving independence in 1991 successfully coordinated national conscientious objection campaign. In 1991 was elected in National Congress, an alternative Georgian parliament. Was one of the organizers of non-violent resistance to th
e regime of Zviad Gamsakhurdia.
At first time joined Radical Party in 1989. During the XXXVI Congress has been elected in its General Council, after the General Council in Sofia (July 1993) became vice president of the General Council. Since that time participates actively in organizing all the initiatives of Radical Party in former Soviet Union. Since 1993 lives in Moscow, being on of the coordinators of Radical activities in CIS.
Provisional Coordination Council:
Was born in 1943 in Chernjanka (Tambov region). In 1966 completed faculty of journalism of Moscow State University. Was working in "Komsomolskaja Pravda" newspaper, later in "Sovetskij Ekran" magazine. His official carrier has been terminated in 1976, when he has broken off with Communist Party and begun his participation in Soviet dissent. For a long time he was jobless, surviving thanks to occasional jobs as fireman, house painter, watchman. At the same time he was active in Committee for Defence Believers' Rights, Political Prisoners Aid Foundation (Solzhenitsyn Foundation), illegally distributed Christian and human rights literature. He was permanently exposed by KGB watching, many times has gotten threats, in 1978-79 practically existed in illegal conditions in order to avoid arrest. In 1990 became one of the founding members of "Democratic Russia" Movement and member of its Coordination Council. In 1990 was elected in Moscow Soviet. In 1992 was among the founding members of Russian Christian Democratic
Union - New Democracy (RCDU - New Democracy), since that time till now he is co-president of this party. In 1993 he was elected in the State Duma of current legislature on the list "Javlinskij - Boldyrev - Lukin". Member of "JaBLoko" parliamentary group and Duma's committee on public associations and religious organizations. Since first days of war in Chechnya, he was many times in warfare zone as member of Russian parliamentarians' group under auspice of Sergej Kovalev.
Enrolled in Radical Party in 1995 in the framework of campaign for conscientious objection right and against militarism. During previous half year subscribed many appeals initiated by the party.
Was born in 1946 in Bucharest, Romania. She has completed Cheljabinsk Polytechnic Institute in 1980, then was working as engineer on Cheljabinsk Metallurgy Plant. In 1989 founded Association of Soldiers' Mothers of Cheljabinsk region, an organization which stood on the strong anti-militarist positions since the beginning. In 1989-90 was member of Russian Social Democratic Party. Since 1990 is member of Coordination Council of Russian Committee of Soldiers' Mothers. At first time joined Radical Party in 1991 in course of campaign for setting up alternative civilian service in USSR. In January - February 1995 spent one months in Chechnya with mission of Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, delivering to the warfare zone and distributing humanitarian aid among civilian victims of war.
Was born in 1946 in Moscow. In 1972 completed education at faculty of geology of Moscow State University. Was working in the Institute for Geo-Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, then in All-Union Institute of Mineral Resources. In 1989 joined Russian Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, becoming one of its leaders as Committee's press secretary. Since 1990 is member of Coordination Council of Committee of Soldiers' Mothers. In 1991 at first time joined Radical Party during its campaign for alternative civilian service in Soviet Union. One of the most prominent leaders of contemporary anti-militarist movement in Russia. She was author of legal recommendations for those refusing to take part in warfare in Chechnya. In January 1995 she was arrested for demonstration against war in Chechnya on Red Square in Moscow.
Was born in 1946 in a prison camp near Mariinsk, Novosibirsk region (his father, poet Andrej Rybakov was accused as "nation's enemy" for writing "anti-soviet poems"). After school was studying in art technical school, later in Leningrad Art Academy, working at the same time as painter-restorer in the Russian Museum. Has taken part in Leningrad movement of "the second culture". In 1976 was expelled from the Academy and - together with Oleg Volkov, Julia Voznesenskaja and Natalja Lestnichenko - arrested by KGB for producing street graffiti in favour of freedom and democracy. In 1977 has been sentenced by Leningrad court to the 6 years of imprisonment in a prison camp of strong regime. Being released in 1982, became one of the active members of Leningrad group of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR), based in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. In 1988 together with Valerija Novodvorskaja was among the founders of the Democratic Union - the first Soviet organization, which openly proclaimed itself as polit
ical party opposing the regime and became a target for persecutions from side of the authorities of Perestroika's Soviet Union. In 1983-89 many times was arrested and sentenced to 15-days imprisonments on false accusations in "hooliganism" and "disobedience to policemen". Since 1990 begun also participate in activities of "Memorial" human rights society. In the same 1990 was elected in Leningrad Soviet, working there as chairman of the commission on human rights. In 1993 was elected in the State Duma on a majoritarian district as a candidate supported by "Russia'a Choice" coalition. Member of Duma's committee on legislation. Member of Political Council of the "Russia'a Democratic Choice" party. Since the first days of war in Chechnya, together with Sergej Kovalev and other Russian parliamentarians survived the siege of Grozny, actively takes part in the activities of democratic Russian parliamentarians in favour of right of life in Chechnya.
At first time joined Radical Party in 1992 in the framework of membership campaign before the XXXVI Congress, then again in 1995 in course of Radicals' initiatives against war in Chechnya and militarism. During the last half year supports actively in the State Duma all the initiatives of Radical Party.
Was born in 1957 in Naples, Italy. Has finished Academy of the Carabiniers, however did not dedicate himself to the military carrier. Instead, in 1979 he joined Radical Party. In 1984 was elected in its Federal Council, in 1985 became member of Secretariat. Since 1984 is occupied mainly by human rights activity, organizing different international conferences, editing specialized reviews on human rights, participating in missions to the conflict zones and conducting non-violent actions. Thus, in January 1987 he was arrested in Warsaw and sent out of Poland for demonstration against military regime of Jaruzelski and to defend Polish Solidarnosc - a demonstration carried out under the slogan "Your Freedom Is Our Too". In September of the same year together with Vladimir Bukovski he participated in preparation of a direct non-violent action conducted by Italian Radicals in Moscow. In June 1989 together with Leonid Pliusc, an exiled Soviet dissident, was arrested and sent out of East Germany for demonstration nea
r the Wall of Berlin in favour of freedom and democracy on the East. In August of that year together with Marino Busdachin he was arrested and exiled from Soviet Union for participation in demonstration on Pushkin square in Moscow at 50th anniversary of Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. As Radical and journalist he was in the center of events during Romanian revolution in 1989, worked in the warfare zone in Kurdistan (1992) and Chechnya (1995). Founder and director of "La Nuova Frontiera" (International Human Rights and Security Review). Secretary of Italian Helsinki Committee and member of the International Helsinki Federation For Human Rights. President of "Osservatorio sulla proliferazione delle armi e delle tecnologie militari" (Arms & Military Technologies Proliferation Watch). Since 1991 coordinates Radical initiatives in Baltic states. In 1994, after the assassination of Andrea Tamburi, became main coordinator of the Radical Party in CIS and Baltic states. Member of General Council of Radical Party and "Movime
nto dei Club Pannella-Riformatori" (a political subject, which substitutes Radical Party - currently a transnational transparty - on the front of Italian interior policy).