Press conference "For Conscientious Objection Right, Against Militarism" will be held on May 18, 1995 at 10.30 in the Russian American Press & Information Center (RAPIC) on Khlebnyj Per. 2/3.
Press conference will be organized by Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia, Radical Party, Anti-Militarist Radical Association (A.R.A.), Divine Church of the Last Reign.
An army causing innumerable disasters to the civilians of its own country, violating rights of servicemen and those deprived their human and civil rights by means of obligatory conscription. Does such an army have right for existence?
In the press conference will participate:
- Valentina MELNIKOVA, press secretary of Russian Committee of Soldiers' Mothers;
- Mamuka TSAGARELI, member of General Council of the Radical Party;
- Nikolaj KHRAMOV, secretary of A.R.A.;
- Anatolij SHAKLEIN, pastor of The Divine Church Of The Last Reign (Krasnojarsk);
- Ljudmila OBRAZCOVA, member of Coordination Council of Russian Committee of Soldiers' Mothers;
- Ljudmila ZINCHENKO, president of Association of Soldiers' Mothers (Cheljabinsk).
For more information contact:
(095) 2060924 - press service of Moscow Research Center on Human Rights