Dear Paolino,such a confusion in your text about Turkey! On one hand, you express a truly ideological point of view by saying dogmatically that the admission of Turkey in the European Union would surely improve the situation of human rights; on the other hand, you agree that Greece, belonging to the European Community - now Union - since many years, hardly improved its own human rights and minorities situation. And I hope that you are convinced that the abuses by Greece in this field are a pale shadow of those the Turkish government is responsible of.
I summarize just some of my points:
1 - I don't understand why to try to get in the European Union this Turkey and not, for instance, this Serbia or this Russia;
2 - I believe that we must not allow the European Union to fall to be just one more low profile organization where every political, social and economical system is wellcome;
3 - Turkey (as well as Russia) is already member of the OSCE, and this allows a series of mechanisms in order to monitor, discuss and theoretically improve the human rights, but Turkey (as well as Russia) does'nt respect the engagements that it signed on this field;
4 - Turkey is even member of the Council of Europe, and this is just an opportunity more for other member States to ask Turkey to respect human rights, without receiving any concretely positive reaction;
5 - Turkey is, furthermore, member of NATO. This gave to the organization some strategical advantages and tactical facilities, but has been unanimously recognized as a serious handicap for the imagine of NATO as an organization that should defend a system of values based on democracy and respect for human rights;
6 - Please, let's forget any idea according to which we should encourage Turkey since it is a secular State. There are other examples of "secular States" in the Middle East, such as the Irak of Saddam Hussein or the Syria of Assad; and we have not to forget the Algerian situation, where the "secular" regime is responsible of massive killings. The ultranationalism, the militarism, the violations of the human, civil and minorities rights of the present Turkish regime (that has the support of a majority of the Parliament, but exactly like Milosevich in Serbia or even Hitler in Germany in 1933) can't have citizenship in the European Union, unless we are ready to destroy any hope that we still can have in it.