by Irina Khristoljubova
"Segodnja", May 19, 1995, page 2
The constituent assembly of the Anti-militarist Radical Association (A.R.A.) - a new association of the Transnational Radical Party members - has taken place recently in Radical Party's Moscow office. It was reported by one of the association's leaders Nikolaj Khramov during the yesterday's press conference. Speaking about the political orientation of the new-founded organization Mr. Khramov said, that main goals and objectives of A.R.A. are a radical reduction of the armed forces to the dimension compatible with real economical possibilities of the country as well as refusing - on a legal base - obligatory military service and transition to the voluntary principle of Russian armed forces.
The nearest objection established by the Association is promotion of passing a "democratic and non-discriminating" conscientious objection bill. According to Nikolaj Khramov, exactly such a law gives to every draftee right to refuse military service on reasons of conscientious, as "it is provided by the last recommendations of European Parliament".
Speaking about possible actions and initiatives which A.R.A. and Radical Party could undertake in a short time, Mr. Khramov mentioned a big anti-militarist rally in Moscow downtown organized together with "Russia's Democratic Choice" party of Egor Gajdar. Apart of this, Association intends to organize a mobilization day for conscientious objection right with tables for collecting signatures and enrollments to A.R.A. and Radical Party on main streets and squares of several Russian cities at the same time.