by Vitalij BOGDANOV
"Express-Chronicle" weekly, May 19, 1995, No 17 (403), page 1
A joint press conference of Radical Party, Anti-militarist Radical Association, religious organization "The Divine Church of The Last Reign" and Russian Committee of Soldiers' Mothers has taken place in Moscow on May 18 in the Russian American Press & Information Center. The participants of the press conference - Nikolaj Khramov, member of Radical Party's General Council and secretary of Anti-militarist Radical Association; Anatolij Shaklein, pastor of the Divine Church of The Last Reign; Valentina Melnikova, representative of Russian Committee of Soldiers' Mothers and others - spoke about current situation on conscientious objection and right to alternative civilian service. Nikolaj Khramov reported about Anti-militarist Radical Association constituted on the last week and about its goals.
In general, speaking about conscientious objection and law on alternative civilian service, nobody told nothing new. It is no wonder: a draft law on alternative civilian service was passed in the State Duma in the first reading yet in December, last year. Many times it was told and written everywhere about its shortcomings: greater term in comparison with the military service, permission's way of granting alternative civilian service, etc. However, it didn't bring anything positive. The authors of the draft just made some not very important amendments, but as a whole the draft still remains unacceptable for conscientious objectors as it was since the beginning. Therefore, if it will be passed, one cannot be envious of those who refuses military service on reasons of conscience.
The current version of conscientious objection law will only create new problems for conscientious objectors instead of make their position more safe. "A step forward towards the state of law" will probably divert for them into terms of imprisonment in labor camps and jails. The authors of the draft bill either can't or don't want understand it.
One of the reasons is a powerful military lobby. Perhaps, also other grounds exist. Marija Ivanjan, one of the makers, ones has frown upon: "well, try to draft a law - willy-nilly you will defend your child." This "child" is rather monstrous - it doesn't matter! Somebody will suffer from it - apparently also this is not important for the authors of the draft. Unfortunately, such a position of our law-makers became already customary. The only thing pleases: society - at least part of it - does not accept this position. The press conference taken place is one more example of this.