Easy attempt to mix arguments, the one by A.Stango... Tere is something I permit to say I do not like so much, given that arguments based on voluntary mistakes and misunderstandings are not correct. If I were in the shoes of Antonio, I would prefere to avoid joking about serious issues... I would be even more prudent if I were one of those who have been often mistaking in analisys, which RP have not followed, thanksagod...
Ideology does not pay, and it should be clear, at last. (It is true, on the other hand, that it could pay in the short term, and there could be somebody who preferes to get short-term -wrong and dangerous- results.
Please, let's forget any exclusive human rights based approach while looking at the international scene. I'd like not to forget that some of the principles affirmed in 1975 in Helsinki Final Act have had some chance to become Rights, i.e. rights coming out of laws and rules, institutions and authorities, just when the most of the signataires of that act died or were defeated... Just an example to say that I'd be prudent to avoid giving international organizations an untouchable importance, when they are not, at least potentially, sovranational or ultranational entities.
Do not joke, Antonio.... The point is in the fact taht EU is not yet a state, or at least a sovranational institution. And it can become something like that just when the issues it will have to manage will be political.
I don't think I should add so much, here. I wrote what I think in the previous text, which is a preventive answer, and it is more than enough; so far.
It would be good to have more arguments expressed on the issue by more people. Above all because we should avoid, for instance preparing the Satyagraha '97, the mistakes of the recent past.