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Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Nikolaj - 24 maggio 1995

Masha Ivanjan has absolutely right, describing the defence ministry's claims to the future C.O. law. However, the situation now is more or less paradoxical and can be described as follows.

YOUNG RUSSIAN MEN REALLY HAVE TODAY POSSIBILITY TO AVOID BOTH MILITARY AND ALTERNATIVE SERVICE: LEGALLY (according to Constitution's art. 59) and PRACTICALLY (tens and hundreds trial sentences in favour of conscientious objectors prove it). Unfortunately, only few among young men know about it. The changes of mentality need more time, Masha has right also here. Thus, the problem is to inform them about their new right as wide as possible and as soon as possible.

Such a situation satisfies both conscientious objectors and those (as we Radicals or Egor Gaidar's party, for instance) who hopes it will press the government to begin finally the military reform. Therefore, ABSENCE OF C.O. LAW IN PRESENCE OF CONSTITUTION'S ART. 59 IS A POWERFUL WEAPON AGAINST MILITARISTS AND FOR MILITARY REFORM.

When the law, especially such one which is presented in the parliament now, will be finally adopted, the situation will be radically changed. Who wants it? Only those who feel that this weapon is directed against his interests: those who are afraid, what will happen if almost all draftees will refuse to serve; those who are afraid, that nobody will go to Chechnya, who doesn't want the military reform. Or - group of persons whose personal and/or professional interests are strongly connected with the law regardless its content.

If someone like Masha doesn't understand it (or pretends, that he/she doesn't understand), it means exactly "to live lying to ourselves, to everybody, according to some instructions of the state bureaucracy". And nothing more. In spite of being member of anything, General Council too.

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