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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Ivanjan Maria - 29 maggio 1995
An Appeal to the State Duma
from the Prime Minister of RF

The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mr. Chernomyrdin appealed to the deputies not to adopt the draft bill On alternative civil service in the nearest future because of an absence in the Government the social and economic substantiation of the consequences of the implementation of this law.

What does it mean.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (article 72, paragraph b):

"The joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation shall include:

...b) protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen...

Article 76, paragraph 4:

Outside of the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation republics, territories, regions, federal cities....shall efect their own legal regulation, including the adoption of the laws and other regulatory legal acts."

It means that each republic, territory, region, federal city (Moscow and St.Petersburg) could work out a decree, which will forsee the order of the alternative civil service.The executive power doesn't need any law because there is a possibility to prepare an instruction on how and where the alternative civil service must be organized. And there we can see a wide space for burocratic understanding of What Really is Alternative civil service.

And now I'd like to show you the Decree of the Moscow City Duma from 21.02.95.

The Decree on the order of the alternative civil service in Moscow.

The Moscow City Duma resolves:

1.To propose to the Government of the Russian Federation to determine a provisional order of the alternative civil service for 1995 till the time the law On alternative civil service will be adopted.

2.Recommend to the enlistment commission to elaborate instructions and appropriate order for those who have chosen alternative civil service.

3 To direct these men called up for military service to:

- bodies of the Ministry of Internal affars (Local bodies of milizia, security groups of the strategic objects...)

- to such arms of service, which are situated on the city's territory (military fire team, building batallion, autobatallion in the military units..)"

Fortunately this Decree wasn't signed by the Major of Moscow J.Lujkov. For the first time... But, if there will be too many conscientious objectors for example in Moscow under the conditions of the absence of the law On alternative civil service - such decree might be signed. And Nikolaj will not be able to adress to young men such appeals "Refuse from serving in the army! You could avoid according to the Constitution both military and civil services!" It will be illegal and these young men will be put into prison. Is this what you want, Kolja?

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