Demonstration in Kiev (Ukraine)Yesterday, on May 30, at 5:00 PM, demonstration of Radical party in front of UN representation in Ukraine took place. More that 20 activists of Radical party came not to an "embassy" of so called "Federal Republic Yugoslavia", but to 1, Klovsky Spusk street, UN Mission in Ukraine. Among the participants one could see Alexandr Kostritskiy, Andrey Prishchenko, Yelena Vorotnikova, Natalia Vasiliuk, Vladimir Ivanov and others. They held a slogan "FREE BOSNIA!" and placards "Farewell, Izet Mukhamedagich!", "Bosnia: joining the European Union, immediately!", "Bring to trial killers from Pale and their inspirers from Belgrade!", "Europe, enough disgrace!", "Serbians have a right for democracy too!", "Sarayevo, Tuzla ... When the extermination will stop?!", "Freedom to UN soldiers -- soldiers of peace!", "Soldiers of peace -- victims of Serbian terrorists!", "55 Ukrainians are hostages of Serbian terrorists!".
The action was planned to be organized in front of embassy of Yugoslavia, but during two days we just could not find it's site. We had a telephone number, but they replied by phone, that they have no permanent room and staff. The Ministry for foreign affairs have given the address: 7/1, Bekhterevskiy side-str. The action was planned to be at 4:00 PM, but we have learnt, that it is simply a living building by mentioned address without a sign of any embassy. Nevertheless, radicals have managed to transfer the protest appeal and the press release to diplomats of the "secret" embassy, that has refused even the guards and now hires a flat No 10 in this house; hence, the picketing was organized in front of UN Mission, 1, Klovsky Spusk street, at 5:00 PM.
This circumstance has raised a new interest of mass media, moreover, the day before we have learnt that 55 soldiers of Ukrainian battalion of UN peace-making forces were taken hostages by Serbians in Bosnia.
Camera-men of three TV agencies and journalists of five Ukrainian newspapers worked during the action. The same day, in evening news releases on all-Ukrainian TC channels UT-2, UT-3 and TETE-A-TETE, information reports with interview from the demonstration site were broadcasted.
Today, on May 31, information appeared about the action of RP in several Ukrainian newspapers; in morning news releases of TV channels 7 and 35, video-reports were broadcasted about the transnational action of radicals.
During the action, we have collected about 50 signatures under the appeal for Bosnia joining the European Union. Among others, we would like to emphasize the signature of professor Vanja Svacko, a citizen of Bosnia (her family lives if Bihach). During the action two people became members of Radical party.
Thus, in spite of everything, the demonstration was a success and had raised a broad interest. It has proved again that while deputies of Supreme Rada and members of the government are "slightly restrained" in support of radical ideas, "common" citizens always give the Radical party their assistance and support and numerous adherents.