PARIS, May 31 (Reuter) - France has invited the defence ministers of NATO and European Union countries with peacekeeping troops in former Yugoslavia to discuss their redeployment and new tactics at a special meeting in Paris next Saturday, Prime Minister Alain Juppe told parliament on Wednesday.
Juppe said they would discuss French proposals to reinforce the U.N. Protection Force in Bosnia, notably by creating rapid reaction force to protect the peacekeepers better and intervene more effectively.
The French Defence Ministry said defence ministers of all EU and NATO countries contributing to U.N. action in Bosnia and their chiefs of general staff were invited to the Paris talks.
Juppe welcomed Britain's decision to send 1,000 extra troops which he said would contribute to the rapid reaction force. The 500 elite French troops aboard an aircraft carrier en route to the Adriatic would also contribute, along with helicopters.
"France and Britain obviously cannot bear the necessary burden alone. Our contribution must fit into a collective effort showing clearing European solidarity, and it is in that spirit that the Minister of Defence has invited to Paris next Saturday all the defence ministers of the EU and Atlantic Alliance countries that contribute troops," he said.