(in response to Silvja but also to all other friends)Publicly and as wide as possible I would like to ask pardon you and comrade Lepekhin for my interventions in the "closed" sector Conferenza Segreteria before the last Congress.
Probably I really have not enough political experience. I really even could not imagine such a quick and complete political mutation, made by comrade Lepekhin.
Actually, on November 25 last year he wrote in the editorial article of his "Novaja Ezhednevnaja Gazeta":
"The expected and completely just Serbian response to the evident provocation of Moslems, who initiated the escalation of military conflict in Bosnia, have caused the real hysteria in United Nations Organization, who implemented from the beginning the American policy to encourage the genocide against Serbian people."
On December 16 another article appears in this newspaper:
"Yugoslavia has bore fate of USSR: administrative borders of union republics have turned to state borders at once. Of course, Serbian ethnic minority, that lives compactly in the territory of union republics Croatia and Bosnia, has desired to self-define and to re-unite with Belgrade. States appeared like out Transnistria: Serbska Kraina and Serbian Republic. For some reason they decided in Zagreb and Sarajevo, that only Croatians and Bosnian Moslems have such a right. The war began. Great powers begun to support Croatians, other ones -- to support Moslems, while Orthodox Serbia has got its traditional ally -- Russia ... 'More and more openly Russia occupies the side of those, who trample insolently on international legality and use violence and ethnic cleaning to create Great Serbia, - write authors of the appeal, coordinators of Radical party's activity in CIS countries Mamuka Tsagarelli and Nikolaj Khramov ... You, dear sirs, are free to sympathize with enemies of Serbia for some unexpected reason. Let me
just to be surprised with your surprise about opinion of majority of Russian society"
And now, half year after, Mr. Vladimir Lepekhin not only didn't consider our Bosnian appeal as anti-Serbian one, but even signed it. That is really one of the great transformations which I have ever seen! I have no words anymore... "I will be a taciturn hallucination," as a Bulgakov's hero used to say.
A plea for Masha Ivanjan. If - just for a case - she informed by some way comrade Lepekhin about my interventions in March, I kindly ask her to use the same way now in order to transmit to him my sincere apologizing.
I am really admired by people who don't consider their signature as something "sacred" and are ready to put it under every document proposed, even under those of opposite sense. I do not joke. I sincerely hope that comrade Lepekhin will give us his strong support in Russian Duma in our struggle against Serbian aggressors and their Russian allies, that he will manage to convince also his colleagues from other groups (Jabloko, PRES, Rossija, DPR, etc.) to share our (and his) position towards Bosnia, Milosevic and all the rest.
Really, we Russians have a big and mysterious soul...