The New York Civil Liberties Union, Amnesty International, the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty, the Transnational Radical Party, Hands Off Cain International campaign; People Against the Death Penalty of Central New York and approximately twenty-three other civil rights and civil liberties organizations sponsored statewide activities to protest the enactment of capital punishment for the Empire State. People from at least twenty-three counties are expected to participate.
In New York City, The New York Civil Liberties Union picketed Governor Pataki's office at 2 Word Trade Center. From 3:00 to 5:30 PM there was a rally at City Hall Park.
Al Sharpton Margaret Fung Norman Siegel
Ossie Davis Asian-American LDEF NYCLU
Linda Thurston Lawrence Hayes Juan Figueroa
Amnesty Internat. Hands Off Cain Int.Cpn. Puerto Rican LDEF
Steve Hawkins Marino Busdachin Ron Tabak
NAACP LDEF Transnational R.P. NYLADP
In Albany the steps of the Capitol were filled with citizens protesting this uncivilized punishment from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Demi McGuire, Executive Director, New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty.
America On Line users across the state had a chance to be in communication with some of the organizers in the Free Speech Zone Room from 6:00 to 9:00 PM and learn how the death penalty is not cost effective, but a cruel and an unusual punishment; how it is ineffective in deterring crime, but assures the execution of innocent people.
Abyssinian Baptist Church; Americans for Democratic Action, NY Chapter; Amnesty International; Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund; Assoc. of Legal Aid Attorneys; Chinese Progr. Assoc.; Communist Party of NYS; Dominicans Against the Death Penalty; Gay and Lesbians Indep. Democrats; Hands Off Cain Intern. Org.; Legal Aid Society Civil Div.; Legal Action Ctr. of NYC; Legal Aid Society Civ. Div.; Lower East Side Joint Planning Council; Metro. United Methodist Church; Nation. Alliance Against Racism and Repression; NAACP Legal Defense and Ed. Fund; Nation. Council on Islamic Affairs; Nation. People's Campgn.; Nation. Lawyers Guild; NY Civil Liberties Union; NY Society for Ethical Culture; Panel of Americans; People Against the Death Penalty of Centr. NY; Puerto Rican Bar Assoc.; Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Ed. Fund; Queens Coal. for Political Alternatives; St. Augustine's Episcopal Church; Socialist Workers' Party; Transnational Radical Party; Unitarian Church of All Souls; Vietnam Veterans Agains
t the War; Western NY Against the Death Penalty; Youth Action Program.