(Tarusa, June 20) - A working reunion, dedicated to the anti-militarist campaign being conducted by Radical Party and A.R.A. - and in particular to the initiative on alternative civilian service bill - has been organized today in Tarusa, region of Kaluga. In the reunion have taken part Tatjana Fedjaeva, member of Tarusa town Duma, and Nikolaj Khramov, secretary of A.R.A. who visited this town for one day. The local promotory group of the petition campaign for conscientious objection right, against militarism, which unites 12 activists, was created during the reunion.
Tarusa has 12,000 of inhabitants, is a center of the same name district in Kaluga region. Tarusa is located on the border between Moscow, Kaluga and Tula regions, about 100 km to the south from Moscow.