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Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
cerca [dal 1999]

i testi dal 1955 al 1998

lun 10 mar. 2025
[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Radical Associa - 26 giugno 1995

(Moscow, June 25) - Radical Party and A.R.A. have organized their table during the celebration of the "Day of Moskovskij Komsomolets" on the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow.

The table was installed in the framework of the joint stand of "Russia's Democratic Choice" (Gaidar's party), Russian Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, Radical Party, A.R.A. and Youth Anti-Fascist Action. Nikolaj Khramov, secretary of A.R.A., Sergej Vorontsov, member of A.R.A. secretariat, Valentina Melnikova, press secretary of Russian Committee of Soldiers' Mothers and member of A.R.A. provisional coordination council, Larisa Vladimirova, member of "Russia's Democratic Choice" leadership and chairwoman of organizing committee of Movement for Military Reform, Elena Lebedeva, secretary of Youth Anti-Fascist Action, as well as other exponents of RDC and Soldiers' Mothers were permanently present at the stand since 11.00 till 17.00.

There were collected 406 signatures under the appeal "For conscientious objection right, against militarism" and 51,000 rubles of contributions. 420 brochures "Radicals and Non-violence" in Russian ("Millelire" series) and about 600 leaflets "What is Radical Party" were distributed. Four persons declared about their intention to join Radical Party and A.R.A. during the next days.

"Jabloko" party, Liberal Democratic Party of Zhirinovskij, "Common Action" of Irina Khakamada, "Power" union of Aleksandr Rutskoj, Party For Self-Governing of Working People of Svjatoslav Fedorov have also organized their stands ("Russia, Our Home" of Viktor Chernomyrdin, Communist Party, Agrarian Party, "Go on, Russia!" of Boris Fedorov didn't organized their presentation in spite of being invited). The interventions of parties' leaders or representatives alternated on the scene with pop and rock singers. Only two parties - Liberal Democratic Party and Common Action - were represented by their leaders: Vladimir Zhirinovskij and Irina Khakamada respectively personally spoke in front of about 1000 spectators. "Russia's Democratic Choice" was represented by Sergej Jushenkov, chairman of parliamentary committee on defence.

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