(Saint Petersburg, July 4) - A public assembly of Radical Party and Anti-militarist Radical Association (A.R.A.) has been held today in the public center of "Democratic Russia" on Izmajlovskij avenue in Saint Petersburg, with participation of Nikolaj Khramov, secretary of A.R.A.; Fedor Chub, coordinator of Radical Party in Saint Petersburg and Ella Poljakova, Radical member and chairperson of Soldiers' Mothers of Saint Petersburg.
The main subject of debates was the initiative on collecting signatures under the appeal to Russian parliament "For conscientious objection right, against militarism" sponsored by Radical Party and A.R.A. Nikolaj Khramov stressed in his intervention that there is no need in today's Russia to convince anybody that law on alternative civilian service must be adopted as soon as possible. However, there is big problem - and exactly it is the matter of Radical concern - what kind of law it will be. Participants of the assembly discussed also some concrete proposals connected with the course of petition campaign for a good conscientious objection bill in Saint Petersburg.
In the assembly participated about 35 persons. 3 new persons joined A.R.A. for 1995.