("Vechernjaja Moskva", July 19, 1995, page 2)
Information Desk of the "VM"
A.SVISTUNOV: I have heard about group of young men who refused to be drafted into the army. How to contact them? I need an advise.
RESPONSE: When Maksim Kostjurin, one of those 19 declared in military recruitment office about his decision, he was reminded: "Sir, did you forget which country do you live in?" No, he answered, in that one where the Constitution exists. Since December 1993 Art.59 part 3 of the Constitution of our democratic state secures for a citizen the conscientious objection right. However, a mechanism which would provide to use this right is still absent. And therefore there is an impasse. Respecting the Law, military prosecutor's office which should open criminal persecution against an objector, does not hasten. But military recruitment offices also do not want refuse to get a draftee just "for nothing", undertaking different tricks. The draft law "On Alternative Civilian Service" which could be able to solve the judicial impasse, was postponed till the Autumn after first reading in the State Duma. Anti-militarist Radical Association intends to remind to the law makers: it's impossible to wait endlessly. It was create
d in May, this year. Among founders are Radical Party and Committee of Soldiers' Mothers. Now A.R.A. collects signatures under the appeal for conscientious objection right and supports those young men who decided to choose this path. Contact telephone is 923-91-27, Trubnaja square, 25, build. 2, app. 49, secretary Nikolaj Khramov or Sergej Sorokin, leader of the Movement Against Violence.