To the Prosecutor of Moscow city
Mr. S. I. Gerasimov
fax (095) 2335428
Moscow, July 21, 1995
Dear Prosecutor,
This night, approximately at 1:15 AM, Sergej VORONTSOV, an associate of Moscow office of the Transnational Radical Party and one of the most active members of the Anti-militarist Radical Association (A.R.A.), was attacked by five unknown persons near the exit from metro station "Kolomenskaja".
The assault was not provoked by anything, it was undertaken suddenly and in silence. Trying to escape, S. Vorontsov attempted to find protection by four militiamen watching the underground passage being equipped by machine guns. Followed him hooligans however continued to beat their victim already in presence of militiamen, who from their part did not make any attempt to detain criminals, dropping only: "Well enough, enough, guys..." With damaged face in blood, S. Vorontsov managed to reach home by an occasional car.
Dear Prosecutor, I request you to undertake immediate actions to open criminal investigation on the fact of attack against S. Vorontsov, 31, born and living in Moscow, an associate of Moscow office of the Radical Party, as well as on the fact of the criminal inactivity of above mentioned militiamen.
At the same time I request you to take under control the investigation of another hooligan's attack, already against me personally, undertaken on the same place on April 25, this year. There are in the Department of Interior of the Municipal District "Nagatinskij Zaton", on which territory both crimes were committed, following documents: my request about opening the investigation, medical certificate from City Hospital No 7 where I was delivered after the assault, declarations of the wrecked and witnesses. Moreover, the criminal's identity was established by militia. However, in spite of all this fact, till now I got no sign that militia undertakes any investigation activity on that case.
Assault on April 25, as well as absence of any progress in investigation the assassination of Italian citizen Andrea Tamburi, coordinator of Radical Party in C.I.S., committed in February 1994 have caused understandable anxiety of foreign parliamentarians and public opinion about unpunished assaults against representatives of an international non-governmental organization which is Radical Party. This facts became in early June matter of respective interpellations undertaken in Italian, Belgian and European parliaments.
The crime committed last night, in the next hours without any doubt will only strengthen this anxiety. In any case it will not increase the international prestige for the law enforcement bodies of Russian Federation.
Nikolaj Khramov
(secretary of Anti-militarist Radical Association)