Moscow, August 8, 1995
Two months ago the transnational and trans-party Radical Party (a non-governmental organization registered by United Nations with consultative status of the 1st category) has launched the initiative for the immediate adhesion to the European Union of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina - a U.N. member state having internationally recognized borders and surviving Serbian aggression during the last three years. Only such a decisive step could be an instrument for achieving the true and just peace on Balkans.
The appeal for adhesion of Bosnia to the E.U. till now has been signed by several thousands of citizens from different countries of the world, among them by more than 500 members of parliaments in 33 states (including Russian State Duma) and 87 members of European Parliament.
Public opinion in our country about what the mass media name by a shy euphemism "conflict in ex-Yugoslavia" is a matter of a separate conversation.
Russian politicians playing in their own interests a tragic comedy named "solidarity with Serbian orthodox brothers" or caring about "Russia's separate interests" on Balkans, in reality do not care a straw not only for what concerns suffering of war crimes' victims or international community, but perhaps first of all they expectorate the real interests of our country: indeed, these interests do not have anything common neither with washing boots in Indian Ocean, nor with withstanding to imaginary "conspiracies of Judo-Masonry and Vatican against Slavonic peoples".
However, many worthy and unbiased people unfortunately are also misguided by imaginations about necessity of an "equidistant approach". In fact, such a position is nothing as connivance to aggressors and war criminals. It's time for Russian society to wake up, to shake off a shroud of lulling phrases about "neutrality" and to take shape clearly, on which side its sympathy is: on side of aggressors or on side of victims of aggression, on side of war criminals or on side of victims of war crimes.
Our point of view at any rate is not an anti-Serbian one, as our opponents try to accuse us. On the contrary, we stand rather on a pro-Serbian position. Indeed, exactly Serbian people perhaps first of all suffer from an authoritarian dictatorship, from war released by the Nazi bolshevist regime and consequent U.N. sanctions. Really, does it mean to take an anti-Russian position - to oppose Zhirinovskij or Barkashov if (God save us!) they get power in our country?
It is necessary to demand the immediate adhesion of Bosnia to the European Union and the effective intervention of United Nations, E.U., NATO in order to refute aggression and to defend population and territorial integrity of this country.
It is necessary to strive for the soonest trial over war criminals - and not only Karadzic, Mladic and those others whose arrest orders are already issued by the ad hoc tribunal in Hague, but also over the head of Nazi bolshevist regime in Belgrade Mr Milosevic, the true initiator and inspirer of the Balkan massacre, even if he spruces himself now in a peacekeeper's toga.
Therefore we decided to organize in Moscow from August 12 to August 22 the Ten-day Mobilization for Bosnia.
During all these days we will conduct on the streets of Moscow collecting signatures under appeal for adhesion of Bosnia to the European Union, as well as collecting funds to finance our campaign.
On Tuesday, August 22, at 11.00 AM we will demonstrate in front of the office of the Commission of European Communities in Moscow (Astahovskij per. 2/10) - for immediate adhesion of Bosnia to the E.U.; for democratic, multi-ethnical and laicist Bosnia; for punishing war criminals Karadzic, Mladic and Milosevic; for democratic, peaceful and prospering Serbia. During the manifestation we will hand over to the E.U. mission all the signatures collected earlier.
We urge you to put also your signature under the appeal for Bosnian adhesion to the E.U., if till now you still did not make it.
We urge you to join our initiative in Moscow, taking part in collecting signatures on Moscow streets and demonstration near E.U. mission on August 22.
We urge you to organize collecting of signatures and actions in solidarity with Bosnian people in your cities too: better within the period since August 12 till August 22.
Inform about your adhesion to the Ten-day Mobilization for Bosnia calling or faxing Moscow office of the Radical Party (095) 9239127.
We sincerely hope, that our appeal will not remain a lonely voice crying in Russian desert.
Nikolaj KHRAMOV, secretary of A.R.A.; Valentin OSKOCKIJ, writer, member of Radical Party; Vladimir ZUBENKO, associate of Moscow regional Duma, member of R.P. and A.R.A.; Elena PAVLJUCHENKO, member of R.P. and A.R.A.; Aleksej IRIBARREN, painterman, member of R.P. and A.R.A.; Andrej ANTONOV, adherent of A.R.A.; Aleksandr TENJANOV, journalist, member of R.P. and A.R.A.; Vitalij BOGDANOV, journalist, adherent of A.R.A.; Igorj RJABOKONJ, businessman, member of R.P. and A.R.A.; Evgenij RZHEVSKIJ, phylosopher, adherent of A.R.A.; Elena MAMEDOVA; Andrej ROSCIN, businessman, member of R.P.; Mihail CHERTILOV, member of General Council of E.R.A.; Olga ANTONOVA, translator, member of R.P. and A.R.A.; rev. NIKON (LAMEKIN), member of R.P. and A.R.A.