for MAKNWS-L: MAKNWS-L-Request@UBVM.CC.Buffalo.Edu
for MAKEDON: MAKEDON-Request@UBVM.CC.Buffalo.Edu
Current Editors:
Sasha.Konechni@West.NL (Sasha Konechni)
SShopov@Extro.UCC.SU.OZ.AU (Sacha Shopov)
Tiho@E5.IJS.SI (Tihomir Stojcevski)
90saragi@Wave.Scar.Utoronto.Ca (Steve Saragil)
Trajkovs@enuxsa.eas.asu.edu (Igor Trajkovski)
CanMac@IO.Org (Canadian Macedonian News BBS)
MNDS@CC.Flinders.Edu.Au (Dimitar Sajkov)
MAK-NEWS caters for events regarding the Republic of Macedonia which
today is made up of two listserv mailgroups, MAKNWS-L and MAKEDON:
1. MAKNWS-L is for News reports on the Macedonian Republic,
and arrive both in English and Macedonian languages.
2. MAKEDON is for Discussions regarding the Macedonian Republic.
Contributors are free to use either English or Macedonian,
whichever they feel more fluent and/or appropriate at the time.
Rapid up-to-date News reports from independent news services direct
from Macedonia arrive regularly onto MAK-NEWS, ensuring the latest
on events concerning the Republic. Other Special Interest reports
are also distributed through MAK-NEWS as they occur. Subscribers
receive both the English and Macedonian versions of the news which
Sources on MAK-NEWS include the Macedonian Information Liason
Service (M.I.L.S.), the Macedonian Information Centre (M.I.C.),
Macedonian Tribune (M.T.), Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
(RFE/RL), Radio Voice of America (VOA), N.A.T.O. Press Releases,
Mainstream Media reports, Human Rights Media Releases and reports -
as well as many miscellaneous others.
MAK-NEWS operates from MAKNWS-L@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu on the InterNet,
with an average weekly traffic throughput of about 400 Kilobytes.
Subscribers can also receive MAK-NEWS in DIGEST mode. This setting
accumulates all the submissions to MAK-NEWS during the day and mails
the result out as a batch file. This can be a convenient method to
receive MAK-NEWS due to the quantity of material at times. Send:
"set MAKNWS-L digest" to listserv@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu to enable.
To reset to normal mode use "set MAKNWS-L mail".
MAK-NEWS is also happy to accept subscriber contributons. If you
wish to have international distribution for your work - relating
Macedonia which would interest the large MAK-NEWS readerbase, dont
hesitate to submit your work. Contact one of the editors for more
MAK-NEWS articles are also available on the World Wide Web (WWW)
Plamen's WWW: http://ASUdesign.eas.asu.edu/places/Macedonia/republic
Vladimir's WWW: http://volans.unm.edu/~vuksan/home.html
Included on the WWW sites currently are the Republic of Macedonia
Constitution (CONSTITUTION), the Macedonian Flag, complete archives
of MAK-NEWS, and various other miscellaneous material regarding
the Macedonian Republic.
MAK-NEWS (MAKNWS-L) regular reports are also archived on the FTP
site at UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU under the MAKNWS_L home directory.
If you're absent for a long time and don't wish your mailbox to be
full of mail you can send: "set MAKNWS-L nomail". When you return
just send: "set MAKNWS-L mail" to listserv@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu
Finally, MAK-NEWS (MAKNWS-L) can be received in many different ways.
Material from MAK-NEWS is often exported to other discussion forums,
other networks, and even external sites off the network. Our aim is
to consistantly propagate material concering the Republic of
Macedonia, now largely recognised internationally.
< Novice MZT >
-- News of MZT --
Subscription requests and contributions:
Current editor:
Polona Novak (Polona.Novak@MZT.SI)
``News of Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of
Slovenia'' for the first time appeared in October 1990 as an
information bulletin. The intended role of ``News'' is to provide
easy accessible news from science, development, universities,
innovative activities to indviduals and institutions in research and
development area.
At the end of May 1994 the Ministry changed the form of information
which reflected in a change of ``News'' into ``Scientia''. That is,
``Scientia'' is now published as a separate page of column ``Znanje
za razvoj'' (``Knowledge for development'') in a Slovenian
newspaper ``Delo''. The reason for the change was Ministry's
intention to make its information available to a broader public and
to make the information more up-to-date.
``Scientia'' contains announcements and advertisements of the
Ministry, and articles about research policy. It is published twice
a month except in July and August.
< Oglasna Deska >
-- Bulletin Board --
Subscription requests and contributions:
Current editors:
Dean Mozetic (dean@eta.pha.jhu.edu)
Marjeta Cedilnik (marjeta@midget.towson.edu)
"Oglasna Deska" (= bulletin board) are transcripts taken from SLON,
which is a nickname for Decnet connecting several computers in
Slovenia. There is a conference similar to Usenet running under SLON
and the articles and replies are occasionally saved and sent to the
world. The topics cover wide area, the language used is usually
Slovene, Croatian or Serbian, some articles are in English. At the
moment, interaction is limited to some "newsgroups" (others can only
be read), but in the near future it should be possible to send
articles using the mail "reply" command. The topics covered are
equivalent to Usenet groups talk.politics.misc, rec.cars, rec.humor,
comp.networks.*, rec.climbing, and misc.invest.
< Pisma Bralcev >
-- Letters of Readers --
Subscription requests and contributions:
Current editors:
Andrej Brodnik (ABrodnik@UWaterloo.CA)
Srecko Vidmar (Lucky@Refuge.Colorado.Edu)
``Pisma bralcev'' is edited (not moderated) mailing list which
provides the possibility of publishing readers' opinions,
questions, inquiries for help, answers etc. There are also
published travel tips and book reviews. Anybody can send the
letter to the editor and it will be published on the list under
his name. The author can request the anonymity and it will be
respected entirely. The frequency of publishing is about one
issue per day or less. The language is originally Slovene, but
other languages appear as well.
< RokPress >
Subscription requests and contributions send to:
Access through WWW: http://maveric.uwaterloo.ca/RP
Current editors:
IBenko@UWaterloo.CA (Igor Benko)
Branko.Drevensek@Uni-Mb.SI (Branko Drevensek)
Klabjan@math.gatech.edu (Mojca Klabjan)
Koren@Alpha.EE.UFl.Edu (Iztok Koren)
MTrutsch@CS.Uml.Edu (Marjan Trutschl)
RokPress is a moderated mailing list, intended primarily for news
from Slovenia. Slovene is the principal language, although the
articles in other languages are often included. It also covers
news from international press and important announcements,
related to Slovenia and Slovenes. The volume is kept as low as
< SAGE-net >
Subscription requests:
with message body: "subscribe SAGE Firstname Lastname"
Send mail for the list to:
Send questions or problems to:
rjg@lyman.Stanford.EDU (Rich Green)
SAGE-net is a moderated group/forum run by student volunteers from
the group Students Against GEnocide (SAGE)--Project Bosnia. Its
goals are to initiate and coordinate activities among groups active
on Bosnia, particularly those on university and college campuses.
It is also for the sharing of information on action initiatives and
events taking place on campuses around the world. Finally, opinions
on the events in Bosnia and world response are occasionally shared
over SAGE-net.
< SII >
Information and Subscription requests:
Owner@moumee.calstatela.edu (Stanislav Markovic)
SII [Serbian Information Initiative] is unmoderated network for
distribution of news and discussions about the current events in
ex-Yu, centered around those involving or affecting Serbs. SII also
originates public actions related to these events, both at home and
abroad, and regularly maintains private e-mail connection between
Internet and nodes in Serbia and Montenegro.
Both English and Serbo-Croatian language are used. Civility in
discussions is enforced.
< ST-L (Srpska terminologija/Serbian Terminology) >
Subscription requests:
with the text:
SUBSCRIBE ST-l Your_Name Your_Surname
Inquiries about the list:
SipkaDan@plpuam11.amu.edu.pl (Danko Sipka)
The main idea of this list is to discuss Serbian terminology for
different activities, from terms in Internet to those for
culture-bound concepts, such as plum brandy (sljivovica) and its
The list is neither moderated nor restricted.
< Vreme >
Subscription requests:
VREME carries "Vreme News Digest" (selected articles from "Vreme"
translated to English).
Since Fall of 1989, "Vreme" is the major independent newspaper in
Yugoslavia and "neighbouring countries". It is published weekly,
every Monday, and usually the electronic mail edition of VND is
available on the same day.
Please keep in mind that due to situation in the country the
distribution of VND may not always be smooth. Further, VND is
published by a professional news agency which made this material
available to us by a special agreement. The proper credit to VND
should be given whenever is this material cited or used in any way.
< YU-QWest Mejling Lista >
Subscription and further information:
jm69stu@semovm.semo.edu (Nikola Stankovic)
cc@mv.mv.com (Nebojsa Jovicic)
telnet to: betz.biostr.washington.edu port 9999
When you register and enter QWest type "tel YU".
Purpose of this List is to connect all the people that meet on
YU-QWest. There are people from all over the former SFRJ, now around
the world. Anybody interested is welcome to visit us or join the
The List is a medium for exchange of information about YU-QWest, and
is unmoderated. The language of the List and on YU-QWest is one of
the languages spoken in the former SFRJ.
On YU-QWest:
- visit traditional restaurants and cities of the former SFRJ
- play the (text-only) juke-box of favorite music
- exchange literature, video and audio tapes
- meet and socialize with people from countries of the former SFRJ
- participate in topical Teleconferences, some of which may have
guests from Croatia, Serbia or Slovenia
Also, YU-QWest now has an allied FTP-by-email server (compliments of
YUROPE BBS, California, USA) which serves as an archive, but also
has files of general interest in the countries of the former SFRJ.
Write for more information.
< Zamir Transnational Network -- ZTN >
Subscription requests:
with a subject:
SUBSCRIBE zamir-chat-l
List owner:
ISkoric@igc.apc.org (Ivo Skoric)
This list reflects dialogs between Anti-War non-governmental
organization in former Yugoslavia linked to the ZTN.
Path: t500.vol.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!sirio.cineca.it!serra.unipi.it!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!nippur.irb.hr!open!izubrin
From: izubrin@open.hr (Ivan Zubrinic)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.croatia,soc.culture.bosna-herzgvna,soc.culture.slovenia,soc.culture.yugoslavia
Subject: NEW: News from Croatia WWW
Date: 5 Aug 1995 19:58:20 GMT
Organization: HrOpen
Lines: 14
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <400igs$c6c@nippur.irb.hr>
Reply-To: izubrin@open.hr
NNTP-Posting-Host: open.cc.etf.hr
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Xref: t500.vol.it soc.culture.croatia:23679 soc.culture.bosna-herzgvna:25152 soc.culture.slovenia:1942 soc.culture.yugoslavia:27565
Latest agency news from Croatia 24 hours a day are available from WWW server
of HRT (Croatian radio-television).
News are constantly updated, with pictures from the ground. A lot of links to
other WWW servers in Croatia. TRY IT !
URL is http://www.hrt.com.hr/
Ivan Zubrinic E-mail : izubrin@open.hr
Data-Link d.o.o. phone : +385 1 414-836
Svacicev trg 12 fax : +385 1 414-620
41000 Zagreb, CROATIA , EUROPE
Path: t500.vol.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!sirio.cineca.it!serra.unipi.it!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!nippur.irb.hr!open!izubrin
From: izubrin@open.hr (Ivan Zubrinic)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.croatia,soc.culture.bosna-herzgvna,soc.culture.slovenia,soc.culture.yugoslavia
Subject: NEW: News from Croatia WWW
Date: 5 Aug 1995 19:58:20 GMT
Organization: HrOpen
Lines: 14
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <400igs$c6c@nippur.irb.hr>
Reply-To: izubrin@open.hr
NNTP-Posting-Host: open.cc.etf.hr
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Xref: t500.vol.it soc.culture.croatia:23679 soc.culture.bosna-herzgvna:25152 soc.culture.slovenia:1942 soc.culture.yugoslavia:27565
Latest agency news from Croatia 24 hours a day are available from WWW server
of HRT (Croatian radio-television).
News are constantly updated, with pictures from the ground. A lot of links to
other WWW servers in Croatia. TRY IT !
URL is http://www.hrt.com.hr/
Ivan Zubrinic E-mail : izubrin@open.hr
Data-Link d.o.o. phone : +385 1 414-836
Svacicev trg 12 fax : +385 1 414-620
41000 Zagreb, CROATIA , EUROPE
Path: t500.vol.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!sirio.cineca.it!serra.unipi.it!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!nippur.irb.hr!open!izubrin
From: izubrin@open.hr (Ivan Zubrinic)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.croatia,soc.culture.bosna-herzgvna,soc.culture.slovenia,soc.culture.yugoslavia
Subject: NEW: News from Croatia WWW
Date: 5 Aug 1995 19:58:20 GMT
Organization: HrOpen
Lines: 14
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <400igs$c6c@nippur.irb.hr>
Reply-To: izubrin@open.hr
NNTP-Posting-Host: open.cc.etf.hr
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Xref: t500.vol.it soc.culture.croatia:23679 soc.culture.bosna-herzgvna:25152 soc.culture.slovenia:1942 soc.culture.yugoslavia:27565
Latest agency news from Croatia 24 hours a day are available from WWW server
of HRT (Croatian radio-television).
News are constantly updated, with pictures from the ground. A lot of links to
other WWW servers in Croatia. TRY IT !
URL is http://www.hrt.com.hr/
Ivan Zubrinic E-mail : izubrin@open.hr
Data-Link d.o.o. phone : +385 1 414-836
Svacicev trg 12 fax : +385 1 414-620
41000 Zagreb, CROATIA , EUROPE