Kiev office of Radical party was visited by TV shooting team of Mental Drive Studio company. The company is preparing now a new youth TV program; one of sections of the program will be devoted to various public movements, parties, that could be interesting to the youth.
Director of the program Victor Priduvalov, an activist of Radical party, has decided to devote this section of the first broadcasting to Radical party. Attention of journalists was attracted first of all by topical slogans of radical actions, and of course, by UN authorization of Radical party as a nongovernment organization with 1st level non-consulting status (this information was sent from Kiev office to all mass media).
Natalia Vasiliuk has represented Radical party in a twenty-minute plot and has told about the history of Radical party, its principles and actions having been organized in Ukraine and in the whole world. Andriy Prishchenko has informed in details about Agorà telematica, its advantages and its benefit for radicals.
Journalists were glad with video shot, and the announcer of the program was highly interested and promised to visit the office again and to join Radical party.