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Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Maurizio - 25 agosto 1995
On the track of the news


Who is Emma Bonino, presently the EU commissioner who is lecturing the Yugoslav authorities

POLITIKA, (newspaper serbs), page 2

S. Aleksendric

Seriously worried because of "rumours that one part, even a particularly in Kosovo, "Emma Bonino, chief of the: warriors of the so-called pacifist "transnational radicals" of Marco Pannella for fisheries, consumer protection and humanitarian affairs, hastened to deliver a sharp warning to the Yugoslav authorities. In the hope, of course, that she would thus "open the eyes" of Belgrade and contribute to the "removal of the danger of increasing tension in the region".

The doors of Belgrade officials were, however, not opened for her. Aleksa Jokic, from the Serbian Commissariat for Refugees, and Vladimir Sultanoveic, Foreign Ministry coordinator for international humanitarian aid, refused to talk with her.

After she had held a press conference in the International Press Center, at which she said that it had never happened, since she had been a "European commissioner", that the authorities of a state which needed humanitarian aid had not received her, Emma Bonino yesterday returned to Brussels. Presenting this as, almost, a scandal, (only) one Belgrade newspaper which, incidentally, calls itself an "independent political daily" the "Bonino case" was yesterday designated the most important story in the issue, as it was placed at the top of the front page. All other Yugoslav papers printed in Belgrade zealously ignored the lamentations of Emma Bonino. Whether that was the result of respecting some "standpoint from above" since Bonino, as the "independent newspaper" claims, is on our officials' blacklist, or whether perhaps it was just an expression of the independent and free assessment of the editors of the other papers who, it seems, well know who this woman in fact is - is a question which does not require an

urgent answer.

Seeking to persuade Italian and international public opinion that Serbs are "blood-suckers" and "monsters from the Balkans", whom the international community should most drastically punish, Emma Bonino, together with her "maestro" Marco Pannella, has already been a full four years at the head of those in Italy who are conducting a crazy anti-serb and anti-Yugoslav campaign. The so-called "transnational-party" of radicals, whose leaders are Bonino and Pannella, today, it seems, even exists only thanks to the war in Bosnia. That this phantom political formations feeds itself on the Bosnian war is perhaps best attested by the fact that its narrower or broader leadership includes as regular or honorary members both Iztebegovic and Silajdzic, almost half the present Croatian government and, also, Rugova and his friends.

It was only when, a few days ago, she set foot for the first time in our country, that Bonino stated she was afraid that Krajina refugees could be settled in Serbia.

And where would she put them?

At lest because of that it should be regretted that Miss Bonino did not meet with her undestined official interlocutors - then we could have perhaps learned what and we should do and how we should do it.

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