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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Vasiliuk Natalia - 7 settembre 1995

Yesterday, on September 8, an ordinary meeting of RP militants was held in Kiev office of Radical party. Three main topics were discussed: anti-prohibition politicy in Ukraine and Russia; organization of week satiagrakha (September 25 - October 2) for support of Tibet; membership of Radical party '95.

Out of fifteen invited, eleven militants and adherents of Radical party have visited Kiev office of RP. Valeri Ivasiuk, the Chairman of Ukrainian President's National Committee against drug addiction and AIDS, member of Coordination Committee of Minister Cabinet against drug addiction, member of Radical party, was invited to the meeting. Among adherents, there were members of student trade union "Direct Action", two of them being collaborators of Kiev narcological service.

Valeri Ivasiuk has told about methadone program being examined by his Committee and being suggested for introduction in Ukraine. National Committee against AIDS also works with a program of syringes' and suture needles' exchange. Soon three scientific practical seminars concerning drug addiction will take place in Ukraine on government level with participation and financing of World health protection organization. The Fifth session of National Committee against AIDS will take place on December 12-13 this year and will have a goal to adopt decisions obligatory for execution by the government. Exactly that time, according to Mr. Ivasiuk, a concrete support of Radical party will be required: organization of support demonstrations at Ukrainian embassies, actions at newly opened methadone distribution stores, collection of VIP's and experts' signatures under a support appeal for this program, and so on. Valeri Ivasiuk finds our possible help in continuous information of leaders of Radical party about Ukrainian in

itiatives in this sphere. He has also proposed to organize invitation of one or two experts (possibly from CORA or other public institutions) to Kiev for participation in one of mentioned seminars.

The question of Tibet was discussed from the practical point of view - a table of signatures for protection of Tibet on Maidan Nezalezhnosti (the central square of Kiev city), the duty schedule, agitation for participation in hunger strike of the satiagrakha, and so on.

Concerning the last question discussed at the meeting, the membership of RP '95, it was decided to organize a campaign including mailing all members of RP '93 and '94 with an enlistment coupon and an information release; and also phone communication with all these people. Available information documents about Radical party were handed to members of "Direct Action" for distribution among students and youth.

It was decided to organize the next meeting in a week. Its members will distribute duties concerning the week satiagrakha for support of Tibet.

[Translated into English by A.Prishchenko, Kiev office, September 9, 1995]

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