Proposed parliamentary motion on the situation in Tibet
- considering that throughout its history Tibet succeeded in preserving a national, cultural and religious identity distinct from that of China, until this identity began to be eroded following the Chinese invasion;
- considering that, before the Chinese invasion in 1949, Tibet was recognized de facto by many states, and that it constitutes an occupied territory according to the principles established by international law and by the resolutions of the United Nations;
- declaring the illegality of the invasion and occupation of Tibet by the People's Republic of China;
- considering that, following the mass transfer of Chinese people to Tibet, the Tibetans are now the minority in their own country;
considering that the continuation in the last few months of this policy of population transfer threatens to lead within a short time to the disappearance of the Tibetan people;
- considering the police state established by the forces of the People's Republic of China, as well as the systematic violation of the fundamental rights of the individual (by means, among other things, of obligatory abortions, the mass sterilization of Tibetan women, torture, kidnapping, the disappearance of persons, etc.;
- considering the distinctive character of the Tibetan people, and of its culture, its language and its religion;
- considering the resolutions on the invasion and occupation of Tibet and the repression of its population by the Chinese authorities approved by the american Congress on 28 October 1991 (H.R.1415) and by the European Parliament on 13 July 1995 (B4-0963);
- considering the resolutions (if any) already adopted by the Parliament of .......;
For these reasons, the Parliament of .........
1. invites the government of the People's Republic of China to put an immediate stop to the transfer of Chinese people to Tibet, which it encourages and organizes, and to begin the process of decolonization, giving back to the Tibetan people the land, the plantations, and the houses expropriated during the 40 years of occupation;
2. proposes that the mandate of the United Nations Committee on Decolonization be extended to the question of the decolonization of Tibet;
3. appeals to its own government to recognize the Dalai Lama and the members of the Tibetan government in exile as the legitimate representatives of the Tibetan people. In this regard, it invites the government to enter on the agenda of the United Nations the question of the attribution to the Tibetan government in exile of the status obtained in the past by the Palestine Liberation Organization;
4. invites the Chinese government to put an end to the violation of human rights and to ensure respect in Tibet for the fundamental rights of peoples and individuals;
5. invites its own government to support all initiatives aimed at reaching a political solution to the Sino-Tibetan problem;
6. invites the government of the People's Republic of China and the Tibetan government in exile to establish negotiations to this end;
7. declares its support for the efforts made by the Dalai Lama to restore, in a peaceful manner, the cultural and religious freedom of the Tibetan people, as well as its right to self-determination;
8. declares its support for the Tibetan people and expresses the hope that close relations will be established between the Tibetan Parliament in exile and the Parliament of........, as well as the hope that the Tibetan Parliament will be accepted as a member of the International Parliamentary Union;
9. expresses the hope that the Tibetan question will be entered on the agenda of the next session of the General Assembly of the United Nations and of the Commission on the Rights of Man, and invites the government to work to this end;
10. invites its government to work in all the relevant international bodies and to take all the steps necessary for the achievement of the objectives laid down by the present motion;
11. orders its President to send a copy of this motion to the Chinese government, the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan government and Parliament in exile, and the Secretary General of the United Nations.