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Partito Radicale Aleksander - 14 settembre 1995
Entering Ukraine, Russians will be AIDS-tested

"Moskovskiy Komsomolets" newspaper, September 13, 1995, p. 3

Yana Zhilayeva

AIDS-infection of a group of drug addicted teenagers 8 to 13 years of age in Nikolayev city (Ukraine) (12 years old boy practicing disorderly sexual intercourses for several years was a HIV-infector) and twice increase of HIV-infected in Ukraine during last year (from 240 people in 1994 to 500 in 1995) has stirred up Ukrainian authorities.

The first reaction of AIDS disaster in Kiev was an accuse of "Eastern neighbour" Russia and Moscow. Ukrainian President's State Committee against AIDS, power ministries and Ministry of Health have elaborated initiatives that must as soon as possible be submitted to the legislative authorities. Ukraine, stepping easily into Europe and calling itself a European country, has decided to separate from "Eastern" Russia:

"A scourge of Ukraine are drugs and AIDS spread by injection drug addicts. By the most approximate estimation, there are about 400,000 injection drug addicts in Ukraine,"-- said Valery Ivasiuk, the Chairman of the Ukrainian President's Committee against AIDS. --"The main drug migration and drug applications' distribution comes to us from Russia, and then, transit, to the East. This settles a critical mass of drugs in Ukraine.

Today Ukraine has to put pressures to Russia in order to change its legislation, that is not satisfactory for Ukraine like for all European countries too. In particular, the question is the new Criminal Code that provides more strict punishment for drug addicts and, as the world practice illustrates, can only strengthen drug Mafia and force drug addiction into a latent phase.

If Russia won't join us, we have decided to put economic pressures. Firstly, we'll refuse blood and blood products import and export, that being painful enough for Russia. Secondly, we shall be obliged to introduce a compulsory AIDS testing for all who enters Ukraine from Russia. We intend to use Chinese variant where each foreigner must submit a certificate of being HIV-free. It is topical for Ukraine, the more that we have a neighbour dangerous in all spheres, especially concerning drugs and AIDS. Russia, in spite of a common sense, continues to use native produced AIDS test systems that yield Western quality much. Ukraine uses only European and American ones. That's why we find no reason for optimism concerning Russia [...]

All power ministries now agree to the policy of National Committee against AIDS and support the idea of introducing sanctions against Russia."

Cutting off an inconvenient Eastern neighbour, Ukraine tries to introduce "a methadone program" the same time for prophylaxis and struggle against injection drug addicts.

Methadone is a strong drug used as heroin substitute, that is taken through mouth (not injected) and does not evoke an addiction. Methadone program is considered not only an AIDS prophylaxis, but a mean of struggle against drug Mafia for decreasing drug prices at the drug market.

"By the initiative of the National Committee, methadonization of Ukraine will be carried out as soon as possible,"-- Valery Ivasiuk said. --"One and a half years ago methadone program was opposed by Ukrainian Security Service and the Minister of foreign affairs. However, directorship changes and a stalemate situation with AIDS among drug addicts resulted in three pilot regions already determined (Nikolayev, Odessa and Kiev) for introduction of methadone program as soon as possible, and methadone will be shared among drug addicts free of charge but under control at special stores. It is necessary to decide at last if methadone program is needed in Ukraine and what else can we do."

We shall see how serious was Kiev. Stepping into the united Europe by its one leg, Ukraine can not resist the temptation to cock a snook at its elder(*) Russian brother. Declaring liberty of human rights for Ukrainians and Europeans, Kiev refuses these rights for Russian neighbours. In the world, obligatory AIDS testing at custom house is recognized not only inhumane, but ineffective too. And taking China for an example is a bad form at all.

("Moskovskiy Komsomolets" newspaper, September 13, 1995, p. 3, Yana Zhilayeva, DRUGS DISTRIBUTION STORES WILL BE OPEN IN KIEV)


* note of the translator from Ukraine: I can endure all assaults of the author against Ukraine, but Russia HAS NEVER BEEN AN ELDER BROTHER of Ukraine: either "elder" or "brother" should be excluded.


[Translated into English by A.Prishchenko, September 14, 1995]

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