"Segodnia" newspaper, September 14, 1995, p. 2
The Chairman of Parliament Committee for defence Sergey Yushenkov, while commenting the opinion of "Choice Of Russia" fa
ction in ex-Yugoslavian crisis, declared that "inclination to resolve the Balkan conflict by military means is making mo
re chances for revanchists to take power." Sergey Kovaliov, in his turn, reminded that the faction of Yegor Gaidar was t
he only one that opposed State Duma demands for immediate stop Russian sanctions against Yugoslavia and for retire of Ru
ssia from "Partnership For Peace" program; he said that "the position of State Duma towards Balkan conflict is hardly we
ighted and rational, that position being predetermined by pumping pre-election hysteria by some political forces." Mr. K
ovaliov informed, that "Choice Of Russia" condemned NATO bombing of Serbian troops, because "this measure just aggravate
s the conflict, as Yugoslavia itself estimates it is an action of one-sided support." "Determination and power were demo
nstrated well enough,"-- Mr. Kovaliov stressed.
Sergey Yushenkov informed, that "Choice Of Russia" intended to address leaders of parties included in International Demo
cratic Union, to address UN and other international organizations with an appeal for promotion of stopping further blood
shed in the Balkans.