Answer to the appeal, London
Air Vice-Marshal M.J. Dicken, C.B.
The Private Secretary to the Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor
The Lord Mayor has asked me to reply to your letter of 13th September, which he read with interest.
The Lord Mayor shares the British Government's deep concern about reports of human rights abuses in Tibet and, indeed, throughout China. The Lord Mayor deplores such abuses. We understand that British Government representatives have expressed the same sentiments to the Chinese, both in public and private. Britain has also urged the Chinese authorities to respect, and protect, traditional Tibetan values, culture and way of life. The Chinese authorities should be in no doubt about the strength of British views, which will continue to be pressed at the highest levels.
The European Union has also raised the subject of Tibet repeatedly at the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, calling upon the Chinese authorities to guarantee full respect for human rights throughout China, including Tibet, in keeping with their obligations under the UN Charter. At this year's UNHCR session, Britain and other EU member states introduced a Resolution on China which was co-sponsored by a number of other countries. Although this Resolution was defeated by one vote, such demonstrations of our concern continue to be the best way to bring about real improvements in the condition of the Tibetans.
The Dalaï-Lama himself has said that Britain should continue to have friendly relations with China, while speaking out about wrongdoing when necessary. This remains the basis of British policy on the subject.
I should add, though, that successive British Governments have regarded Tibet as autonomous whilst recognising the special position of the Chinese authorities there. However, Tibet has never been internationally recognised as an independent state and no member of the UN regards the country as independent. This continues to be the Government's view.
Olivier Dupuis,
Secretary,adical Party,
Centre de Coordination de Bruxelles,
97-113, Rue Belliard,
1047 Bruxelles,