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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Radical Associa - 7 ottobre 1995

"Express-Chronicle" (weekly newspaper), No 37 (423), September 28 - October 5, 1995, page 3

MOSCOW. "The army we have is an army of another country and another historical era: an army of 270-million populated USSR which was in the state of cold war with the rest of the world. Now we are living in new conditions, but still we have the same amount of generals," as it was stated in the declaration of Nikolaj Khramov, secretary of Anti-militarist Radical Association. The declaration was released on October 1 in the context of Autumn draft to the armed forces begun. By the voting of State Duma, the duration of military service was increased, many conscription respites were abolished, including the respite for students.

"But what young Russians have to do, those Russians who tomorrow - on Monday - will get conscription orders from recruitment office? The only thing: to know that nobody has right to take them into the army by force. To know, that there is Article 59 Part 3 in Russian Federation Constitution - a document of direct action - which gives to anybody whose convictions prevent him from serving in the army, the possibility to get alternative civilian service. To know, that being refused in their legal right, they can and they must to appeal in court," states N. Khramov's declaration.

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