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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Olivier - 19 ottobre 1995
Abolition of the Death Penalty: press release


Rome 19 October 1995. Last year at the General Assembly of the United Nations, almost all of the countries of the former Eastern block abstained from the final vote on the moratorium on the death penalty, which was defeated by eight votes. Now, for the first time in a former Soviet country, a political act of justice has been achieved which moves in the direction towards the abolition of the death penalty. The suspension of capital execution, as formally decided by the Ukrainian authorities, is a choice which goes beyond the national borders of the Ukraine.

We thank the Ukrainian authorities, in particular, Minister of Justice, Sergej Golovatyj, member of the Transnational Radical Party and militant abolitionist for years, for the historic decision. We thank, as well, all the militants who, with their work, with tables for collecting signatures, with demonstrations, with appeals, with meetings and other innumerable abolitionist initiatives conducted in these years in the Ukraine, made it possible. We also thank the European Counsel for having set as an absolute condition of their membership the abolition of the death penalty.

We are announcing finally a big international conference of abolitionists for next Spring in Eastern Europe, maybe in the Ukraine, together with judges and parliamentarians that are elaborating new constitutions and new penal codes. The positive result of the work of these constituents and legislators, thanks, as well, to the choices of the Ukraine authorities, will be able instrumental in modifying the numerical relationship between abolitionist states and supporter states of the death penalty.

Anyway, we are launching a call to the Ukrainian government to join those countries who are asking the United Nations to put a resolution for the moratorium of capital executions into the agenda of the General Assembly from September to December 1996. To sustain this objective, there is an international campaign, "10 Countries, 100 cities, 100,000 signatures to the United Nations to stop the Death Penalty," which has been active for some months in several countries.

- Radical Party

transnational and transparty

- Hands off Cain

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