For the conscientious objection right,
for the professional army on a voluntary basis,
for the civil control of the armed forces,
for the military reform and against militarism.
The Russian military reform departed from life. Instead of a cut in military expenditure and transition to the professional army, the length of military service was increased till two years, all the deferments were abolished and a decision was made to conscript university students. Instead of civil control over the armed forces, we may observe the growing political influence of generals. Instead of passing as soon as possible a new alternative military service law, we get to know about the OMON brigades, bursting in the night into the flats in search of those who "avoid their honorable responsibility". These are all evidences of the attack of militarism on the civil society.
So, what to do if tomorrow the call-up papers arrive in Your letter box to send You (Your son or Your friend) to kill and to be killed in the mountains of Caucasus and Tagikistan, or to wash Your boots in the warm seas or, if Your are lucky, to paint the grass in green at some general's dacha?
First of all, Your should remember: according to the Constitution Your have the right to renounce the military service because of convictions and to choose instead of it the alternative civil service (Constitution of the Russian Federation, article 59, part 3). Come to us and we'll try to help You, explaining how to exercise this right.
Now we - the Anti-militarist Radical Association (ARA), the Radical Party, the Soldiers' Mothers' Committee of Russia - conduct a campaign for the collection of signatures to the appeal to the both Chambers of Parliament and to the President "For the right to renounce the military service, against militarism". After that we'll struggle for the shortening of the military service till 10 months and for the consequent abolishment of the compulsory military service.
We need Your help to win. Together we'll be strong enough to resist the growing militarism. Your, Your participation are the only source of our force. Your membership dues are the only financing of our activity.
That's why we ask You:
- to call us and to join our appeal to the Parliament and to the President "For the right to renounce the military service, against militarism (please, indicate Your first name, family name, address and telephone number);
- to take part in the collection of signatures and in the distribution of this leaflet;
- to join the Anti-militarist Radical Association (in 1995 the minimal entrance fee is 44.000 roubles for the members and 8.000 for the adherents).
Don't be afraid of "walking smack into politics":
if You don't care about politics, the politics will care for you.
Anti-militarist Radical Association
Trubnaya street 25-2-49, 103051 Moscow,
Tel/fax +7-095-9239127
E-mail: ara@glas.apc.org