Hlavniho mesta Prahy
Mr Olivier DUPUIS
Secretary of the Radical Party
transnational and transparty
Prague, the 30th October 1995
Our ref. 1586/95/OZVP
Dear Sir,
We are confirming reception of your letter dated Sept. 13, 1995 in which you briefed us on non-violent campaign "Freedom for Tibet" and has requested our support in this matter.
Having been instructed by Lord Mayor we would like to express, on his behalf, our sincere admiration for the efforts to encourage and help Tibet people. On the same time we take the liberty of informing you that following the line of Czech foreign policy Tibet is considered to be an integral part of China. However, violating human rights is a problem enveloping the whole China as our country's official statement says.
Wishing you success in your work for Tibetan people, with best regards, we remain,
Head of International Department