Brussels, December 1, 1995. Over 30 Mayors and Presidents of provinces of Albania, Belgium, Bosnia, Croatia, Czech republic, France, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Poland, Serbia-Montenegro and Ukraine have signed the Appeal "Freedom for Tibet", promoted by the transnational and transdivisional Radical Party.
Among the signatories: Tarik KUPUSOVIC, mayor of Sarajevo, Francesco RUTELLI, mayor of Rome, Serafim URECHEAN, mayor of the Moldovian capital Chisinau.
In signing that Appeal the Mayors denounce the "final solution" by the Chinese authorities of which the Tibetans are victims: the "ethnic cleansing" by diluition, through organizing massive transfers of Chinese population in Tibet.
Inviting all citizens to organize to stop the Tibetan tragedy, we call to mind that the Mayors committed themselves to fly the Tibetan flag on their respective town halls on the next March 10, anniversary of the nonviolent insurrection of Lhasa in 1959, "as a gesture of concrete and visible solidarity".
Enclosed is the text of the Appeal "Freedom for Tibet".
Radical Party