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gio 13 feb. 2025
[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Radical Associa - 1 dicembre 1995
Moscow, November 25, 1995

Adopted unanimously.

The Temporary coordination council (PCC) of Anti-Militarist Radical Association, at its session on November 25, 1995, with participation of a vast range of A.R.A. activists,

-- having discussed Russian political situation on the eve of Parliament elections and in the context of struggle for immediate adoption of the Law on alternative civilian service;

-- having considered an experience of recent successful adoption of amendments of the Law on military service by Sate Duma, according to which persons, who were drafted for 1.5 years, should be demobilized after 1.5 years of service; directly coordinating the result of voting on mentioned amendments (344 votes "for") with the pre-elections campaign;

-- taking under consideration a serious pressures made now on Russian legislators by Ministry of defense;

-- having analyzed possibilities of the Association in mobilizing its members and adherents;

-- stating an extreme inadequateness of human and financial resources at disposal of the Association and the whole Radical party to problems of anti-militarist movement in Russia;

-- turning attention to the fact that only joining of new numbers is the single source of money needed for A.R.A. existence and initiatives' organization;

-- stating again, that just for full functioning and self-financing of Anti-Militarist Radical Association and Radical party in Russia, in a word, for RP and A.R.A. could exist, it's necessary to enlist at least 2500 Russian citizens to Radical party and A.R.A. for 1996;

1. decides to carry out as soon as possible (since 6 till 17 of December, 1995) a number of actions towards deputies of Federal Coucncil of RF in order to obtain an adopted Law on alternative civilian service as soon as possible (before expiration of Fifth State Duma's authority term), the Law corresponding to following essential requirements:

i) an alternative service should be strictly civilian one and have no interference with service in supplementary military squads, even with no weapons;

ii) the right to pass an alternative service, according to Constitution of RF, should be a universal right of citizens who declared their intention to pass it in replacement of the military one;

iii) an alternative service should not be of a punitive character, and it's duration should not exceed the duration of military service;

iv) the Law should provide with a possibility of voluntary alternative service abroad of Russian Federation;

2. in this view addresses all political parties, public and religious organizations with a summon to participate mentioned actions for adoption of the Law on alternative civilian service as soon as possible under the slogan of the campaign of Radical party and A.R.A.: "A Law, a good Law, a Law as soon as possible";

3. expresses its support to the deputy of State Duma and member of PCC of A.R.A. Valeriy Borschov, balloting at Perovsky election district of Moscow, and summons members and adherents of A.R.A. to promote the elections campaign of Valeriy Borschov in every possible way, including actions of the Association to support this candidate;

4. declares the beginning of a vast enlisting campaign of new members of A.R.A. for 1996, aiming at 2500 members of A.R.A. in Russia before the end of 1996;

5. addresses to all present and former members of Radical party in Russia with a summon to resume their membership in Radical party and Anti-Militarist Radical Association for 1996;

6. addresses its summon for joining RP and A.R.A. for 1996 to members and participants of all Russian organizations dealing with anti-militarism, at first to members of committees of soldiers' mothers, in order to take the chance of success of planned anti-militarist actions and initiatives;

7. separately addresses members of transnational Radical party in Italy and other countries, and participants of movements and groups of anti-militarist, pacifist, anti-war and right protection character in USA, Europe and other parts of the world, summoning them to join Radical party, transnational transparty, and Anti-Militarist Radical Association, in order to achieve the success of the battle against militarism, for the right to refuse military service, carried out by Russian radicals.

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