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Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Paolo - 25 dicembre 1995

Here you have the complete transcription of an interview to Mr Tempa Tsering, done by Paolo Pietrosanti and Olga Cechurova - the two of them are members of the General Council of the Transnational Radical Party. The interview has been broadcasted by Radio Radicale (one of the most important nation-wide radio stations in Italy) and is going to be published by one of the most important weekly magazines in the Czech Republic.

QUESTION: We are here with Tempa Tsering, who is one of the most prominent Tibetan leaders in exile. He is member of the Tibetan Government in exile; he is the Secretary for Information and International Relations. First of all we'd like to ask you a free opinion about the Meeting held in Strasbourg, to which have taken part representatives of the Tibetan communities in exile, of the Tibet Support Groups, and of the Transnational Radical Party; and which was attended even by you and by others representatives of the Tibetan Government in exile.

ANSWER: I think that the Meeting has been very constructive; a Meeting wich has discussed a lot of issues of great importance for the Tibetan people; issues which have been discussed very seriously. We are convinced that our friends are very sincere and genuine and they are very dedicated. We are very grateful and encouraged.

Q: Tibetan people are continuously showing to be absolutely firm on the nonviolent approach, on the nonviolent policy. Do you think that such an approach could be put in danger by the fact that it is a long time that there are not results out of it?

A: Nonviolence is basically a part of the Tibetan way of life. This has been deriving from the fact that Tibetan are mostly Buddhist, and Buddhist philosophy teaches us taht you should be compassioned, nonviolent, peaceful, and not harming not only human beings, but all the sentient beings. This is a very big part of our life. Then, we also believe that the solution of any conflict through violence would not bring any durable solution. Maybe it can bring some temporary solution, sometimes you do violence to get publicity, a kind of immediate publicity, but they are not lasting. That is one reason. Then, the second one is a specific reason. Tibetans are just six million people, they are innocent, unarmed, they have been living in peace for centuries, and that is the only way of life they know. They are unarmed, and against 1.2 billion Chinese, having an extremely strong army, one of the most powerful forces in the world, governed by a system which is very brutal.. I think there is no challenge. Even taking up

violence, it would not bring any fruit.

But, vecause of the tendence in the world of giving precedence to violence, there are some tendences among our youth. There are some tendences of people thinking that this is the only language that world understands. And another argument is that in any case Tibetans are devoted to death: either to do something for Tibet and die, at least it gives some satisfaction; or not to do anything and just die without having done anything for your country... So they argue in this way. This is, I think, a major concern for His Holyness and for the Tibetan Government; both in Tibet and in exile, because of the situation in the world that this tendence is emerging. So, as a result, even His Holyness has to recall saying that if the Tibetan cause will start to be a violent cause he will have to abdicate his leadership of the Tibetan people - to discourage it. So, this is our concern, now.

Q: Our feeling, after the seminar in Strasbourg, is that a new phase is now open...

A: This is a process... The Tibetan cause is basically based on justice and truth, and peace. And the more we are able to make this issue known to a wider public, either at a government level, or at the public level or at the organizations level, we are quite confident that we will be able to receive support and simpathy; even among Chinese people. Chinese people have been indoctrinated by the Party line saying that Tibet was the most backward and uncivilized country in the world, and that they had to send the People Liberation Army to liberate that backwardness. But when they come to know the reality, the reality is that Tibet is not backward and uncivilized; and that Tibet has never been a part of China. When they come to know these realities, then they change their mind, and they realize that after all Tibet is not China and Tibetans are not Chineses, there is a different identity and that you have the full right to demand for your rights. This is the way to make our issue known.

Here in Strasbourg we have been meeting for two days, and we all have been brain-storming. People are convinced that there is a cause which deserves support, simphaty and that there is someghing they should do for it, especially at this time when we are passing through a very critical stage: the very survival of Tibet is treathened. So, people feel to do something for the cause, and that there is a moral obligation for the world to avoid a people to disappear. Being here is a part of this process, and we are encouraged by it.

Q: What do you foresee for the next future?

A: After 46 years of Chinese invasion, occupation and systematic distruction of Tibetan culture, and even of phisical distruction of Tibetan people - in teh last 40 years 18 or 20 per cent of Tibetans died as a result of the Chinese invasion - they have destroyed everything that represent the Tibetan culture and identity; But despite this physical distruction, Chinese have not been able to destroy Tibetan people's spirit.

They are still determined, they are still very fond of their nation. And even the younger people which have been taken to China by Chinese, and kept there for 15 to 20 years, without any contact with their parents, hoping that they could indoctrinate these Tibetan childreen, then sent them back to Tibet to rule and control Tibet, well even these people today are taking up the issue of Tibet more strongly than before. So, this is another encouraging sign. On the other hand, in China, despite of the external appearance of peaceful, prosperity, there is a lot of dissatisfaction. economical disparities, ... So, we think that there will be a change in China, as well. So, we are very optimistic: things will change a lot for Tibet, and soon.

Q: What do you ask people, now listeners and readers, to do?

A: To promote the Tibetan issue, the Tibetan cause; tell people, tell your friends, your relatives, the truth about Tibet. This is the main support.

Q: And what do you ask Transnational Radical Party to do?

A: We have been in contact with the Radical Party for almost a year, and all over a year. And during this time they have supported us with a lot of dedication and commitment and sincerity. So, we request them to continue with the same spirit. Nothing but continue doing what they have done and are doing.

Q: Thank you, Mr Tempa Tsering, not just for this interview.

A: Thank you.

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