On Saturday, December 23, a plenary meeting of activists was held at Kyiv office of Radical party. This has become a new step of Kyiv office campaign for creation of capable radical activists' kernel in order to involve new forces into our work and elucidate new outlooks for those who takes part in Radical party's life every day. The meeting was another step of enlistment campaign for 1996 begun by Kyiv office.
As far as the meeting with activists was held at the end of "radical" year, results of 1995 were scored and main lines of radical activity in 1996 were outlined.
16 people were present at the meeting, that has been conducted by Natalia Vasiliuk (collaborator of Kyiv office). Alexander Kostritskiy, the coordinator of Kyiv office, took the floor to submit a detailed analysis of successes and fails of campaigns carried out by Radical party in 1995 and to propose a concrete cooperation of the office and activists in their joint work in 1996. In his speech, Alexander Kostritskiy has stressed the necessity of activating the enlistment campaign for 1996 and turned attention to possible initiatives in Ukraine in order to prepare Radical party action "Free Tibet" of March 10.
The meeting can be called a meeting of representatives, because Lilia Taranenko, organizer and coordinator of All-Ukrainian Association of gays and lesbians "Ganimed", Mr Zyrianov, chairman of Ukrainian party of beer admirers (liberal democratic oriented party), Andrey Strannikov, deputy chairman of Christian Democratic youth organization, Victor Meniaylo, correspondent of radio "Liberty" and Ukrainian news agency "UNIAR", and active members of RP Vladimir Ivanov, Natalia Khudiakova, Elena Vorotnikova, Taras Guts', Ivan Filatov, Yaroslav Liakh and others have met at the round table.
Andrey Strannikov, deputy chairman of Christian Democratic youth organization (CDYO) has proposed to organize a joint meeting of representatives of RP and CDYO, assuming that in the latter there are many potential members of RP; and to organize close practical and informational relations between both organizations.
"Even if not a stream, then a brook will pour in Radical party from the party of beer admirers,"-- Mr Zyrianov said in his speech, and invited to take part in an inter-party meeting being planned to be held in the beginning of February of 1996.
Vladimir Ivanov, using examples of concrete results of RP activity during last years, has illustrated that most "radical" initiatives, though looking some exotic at first, no doubt become topical for all and as a rule become a success. Proceeding from the experience of Radical party's activity in Ukraine, he has proposed a concrete activity program for preparing action for independence of Tibet of March 10.
Participants of the meeting turned attention to preparing the "Free Tibet" march of March 10. The activity program was adopted for attracting as much forces in Ukraine as possible to take part in this initiative.
All who took the floor at the meeting accented the necessity of concentrating efforts to increase number of RP members, that will provide us with physical, financial and mental resources for our further activity. At the same time, they noted, that a higher quote of 13 USD will be the main obstacle for many wishing to join Radical party in Ukraine in 1996.
At the end of the meeting, 7 participants joined Radical party for the next year: Lilia TARANENKO, coordinator of All-Ukrainian Association of gays and lesbians "Ganimed"; Alexander ZYRIANOV, chairman of Ukrainian party of beer admirers; Vladimir IVANOV, a sculptor; Ivan FILATOV, a writer; Elena VOROTNIKOVA, a teacher; Natalia VASILIUK, a journalist; Viktor PRIDUVALOV, collaborator of "Gravis" TV company. Also 3 participants have declared their intention to join Radical party soon.