Dear friends,
It is our intention that this bulletin-fax (newsletter) serve as an instrument of information, communication, and mobilization of the Radical Party's initiatives.
By doing so, we hope to enrich the political activities within the national, regional or local scope of the members or sympathizers of the Radical Party, especially if "Transnational/fax" will be able to be an instrument of exchange of initiatives for those who in their cities, regions or Countries, are trying to carry out the battles of the RP.
To that end, we ask that news, informations, etc. be sent to Sandro Ottoni who will edit them, fax: 3851.277959, or via E-mail (
This number "0" is a presentation and an introduction: those that will follow will be for thorough examinations and details on the current initiatives.
"Transnational-fax" is translated in 5 languages and sent every 15 days to groups or individuals who are members or sympathizers of the RP, parliamentarians or non-parliamentarians, via fax and e-mail.
Olivier Dupuis
(TRP Secretary)
TIBET: MARCH 10, 1996
For many months now, together with the Tibetan communities in exile, the Tibetan Support Group, the RP has intensified the campaign in solidarity and support of the Tibetan people and their aspiration for freedom and liberation from the Chinese oppression. Tibet is probably today and in the past fifty years the biggest, most terrible example of ethnic cleansing existing in the world.
It is systematically pursued in that Country the annihilation of the cultural, political and physical (1,200,000 dead for acts of violence since 1949) of the original population, through massive transfers, colonization and brutal repressions. It is calculated that, without intervention, within a few years, the entire population will be completely "reclaimed" trough the disappearance by dilution of the entire Tibetan people.
The current campaign anticipates various instruments of initiative:
- a European demonstration which should bring thousands of people to Brussels on March 10, 1996, anniversary of the nonviolent insurrection of Lhasa of 1959;
- the Tibetan flag displayed on the townhall of European cities on the same date. Up to today, over 70 communities have adhered, among which the capitals: Rome, Sarajevo, Chisinau;
- an appeal to the Secretary General of the United Nations that he may receive as soon as possible, the Dalai Lama. Up to today, 163 parliamentarians have signed the appeal, among them 34 members of the European Parliament;
- the support to the candidacy of Wej Jingsheng, a well known Chinese dissident, to the Nobel Peace Prize. The RP alone has collected 122 authorized signatures between parliamentarians and university professors;
- the approval of resolutions to condemn the Chinese Government and in support of the decolonization of Tibet, to the European Parliament and the United Nations.
For further informations on this campaign, see also "Freedom for Tibet - fax" (it can be obtained by simple request to the various RP branches).
After having supported and gained the establishment of the International Tribunal for war crimes in ex-Yugoslavia, through the mobilization of hundreds of parliamentarians and thousands of citizens throughout the world, the RP is today operating in the United Nations, in the European Parliament and within the national Parliaments to establish a Permanent International Criminal Tribunal. Thanks also to this mobilization, 1995 closed with an important success:
the institution at the United Nations of a preparatory Committee for the Plenipotentiary Conference for the establishment of the Tribunal. The first meeting of the Committee is set for the coming March 25th.
A the December 25th congress of the association "Hands Off Cain", jointly with the Radical Party by a federative agreement, it has been deliberated, among other, to increase the international campaign "10 countries, 100 cities, 100,000 signatures at the United Nations, to stop the death penalty" with the objective to obtain in 1996, a universal moratoria of capital executions. Various other initiatives and demonstrations are anticipated in order to reinforce the nucleus of Countries that will have to support the proposal at the next meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
The effort of the RP for the adoption of an international language as an auxiliary language and of communication, non competitive with existing languages, has materialized in an appeal to parliamentarians and individual citizens. Up to today, the appeal has been undersigned by more than 40 European Deputies and tens of national parliamentarians. Furthermore, it is being prepared a proposal for a resolution to the European Parliament in which it will be proposed the adoption of Esperanto as a federal language and of juridical reference for the European Union.
- Congress of CoRA (Antiprohibitionist Radical Coordination): Rome, Ergife Hotel, January 26, 27, 28.
The Transnational Radical Party is a self-financed organization that exists thanks to the contribution of its members, of those who, from every part of the world, decide to subscribe. The subscription is a choice that one makes (or not) every year in view of the political initiatives that the party deliberates on during its congresses.
The subscription campaign for 1996, has up to now, a few weeks away from the opening, more than 1,400 subscribers from over 20 Countries.
The transnational Radical Party addresses the citizens as well as institutions and each within his/her own ambit and interests who can feasibly contribute to the development of the single campaigns. The requirements for participation, subscription, contributions, illustrative material and adhesion forms, may be obtained by request to the editor's office.