(Moscow, January 24, 1996) - The reunion of Radical activists has taken place today in Moscow office of Radical Party. Among more than 20 participants, there were present: Navang RABGYAL, representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Russia, CIS and Mongolia; TASHI, secretary of Tibet Information & Culture Center in Moscow: Alina VITUHNOVSKAJA, writer and journalist, who is currently under trial on the false accusation in drug trafficking; Kara-kys ARAKCHAA, ex-member of the State Duma and others: Igor BEZRUKOV, lawyer and member of Directive Council of the "Hands Off Cain"; and others.
The main subjects of the meeting were Radical Party's campaign for Tibet, preparation to the abolitionist conference in Moscow to be held by Hands Off Cain together with Radical Party, as well as the membership campaign for 1996.
After the short intervention of Navang Rabgyal dedicated to the general view on the current situation in Tibet and to the importance of support rendered by Radical Party to the non-violent struggle of Tibetan people for freedom and survival, Olga Antonova, coordinator of the "Flag for Tibet" initiative in Russia, described the steps already undertaken in the framework of the campaign during the last weeks and months and proposed some necessary actions to be conducted by Moscow and Russian Radicals. Since it was considered impossible to guarantee any essential participation from Russia in the European manifestation for Tibet, scheduled in Brussels for March 10, this year, it was decided after discussion to organize at the same day of 10th March a manifestation in front of Chinese embassy also in Moscow. 12 new persons also joined the Radical Party's initiative "Flag For Tibet In Your Window" declaring their intention to hang Tibetan flag out their windows on March 10.
Igor Bezrukov informed about results of the 1st Congress of the Hands Off Cain, held in Rome in December, last year, as well as about preparation of the conference against death penalty, to be organized in Moscow in May, this year, while Mihail Chertilov, member of coordination committee of Esperanto Radikala Asocio spoke about last Radical initiatives in the framework of the campaign for International Language.
The issues relating to the anti-militarist campaign were not discussed by detailed way, since another reunion, dedicated to the respective initiatives of Radical Party and ARA, is scheduled on the next Saturday.
Discussing the problem of new enrollments into the party, the participants of the meeting were agree that the big role belongs to the anti-militarist campaign, conducted in Russia by Radical Party and Anti-militarist Radical Association and involving new members and supporters. It was also underlined the extreme difficulties not only in enrollment new members, but even in simple communication between members, caused by practical absence of any postal mailings (the last issue of Transnational agency was printed in July, last year), any public assemblies in Russia after July 1994. It was decided to organize in the middle of February on the base of self-financing a public assembly of Moscow Radicals with a wide engagement of ARA adherents and supporters of the campaign for conscientious objection right.
At the end of the reunion it was decided to hold such meetings in Radical Party's office on the regular base, on first Tuesday of every month.