NEWS BULLETIN N 1908 (Night Issue)
February 2, 1996, Friday
MOSCOW. <02>
MAYORS OF IZHEVSK -- ANATOLIJ SALTYKOV, BABUSHKIN (BURJATIA) -- ALEKSANDR DONCOV, AND VLADIMIR - IGOR SHAMOV HAVE ALSO JOINED RADICAL PARTY'S CAMPAIGN "FLAG FOR TIBET IN YOUR WINDOW". The initiative of Radical Party is addressed to mayors of different European cities. As Radical Party reported on February 1, thanks to the efforts of citizens and Tibet support groups acting by means of the network of its militants, first one hundred of cities from seventeen countries of the world have joined the action. Among that cities are four capitols - Rome, Brussels, Sarajevo and Chisinau. The campaign's goal is to reach within March 10 adhesion of five hundreds of cities. At that day in Brussels will take place the all-European demonstration for free Tibet, while mayors adhered to the campaign will fly out over their city halls the Tibetan national flag.