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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Budapest - 13 febbraio 1996

Update bulletin on Radical Party's campaign for Tibetan liberation.

Issue #9, February 14, 1996

Editor: Massimo Lensi, Dorottya u. 3.III.em 6. - 1051 Budapest (H) - Tel. +36-1-266.34.86 - 266.09.35 - Fax. 11.87.937 - e-mail M.Lensi@agora.stm.it - WWW-Url: http//:www.agora.stm.it/pr - Telnet: Agora.stm.it

Distribution: Alberto Novi - rue Belliard 89 - Rem 508, 1047 Bruxelles (B); tel.+32-2-2304121, fax +32-2-2303670.

Printed in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Croatian and Rumanian.


As we had announced in the previous issue of "Freedom for Tibet," the number of mayoral adhesions to the European "A Flag for Tibet" Campaign has surpassed 200. By the printing of this issue of "Freedom for Tibet", the total had reached 227, leaving the need for 273 more mayors to join the campaign in order to attain the goal outlined in the Strasbourg Seminar of flying the Tibetan flag on the poles of at least 500 European city halls.

Important news has arrived this week from the USA as well, where the Tibetan Community, the Tibet Support Groups and the Radical Party have organized a three-day event to promote public initiatives for Tibet highlighted by the commencement of the Washington-New York March, whose arrival in New York is scheduled for April 25th with a closing demonstration in front of the UN Building.

Updates on participation in the European demonstration in Brussels are arriving every hour from various National Committees. Moreover, various news agencies have begun - if somewhat timidly - to print articles and interviews about the March on Brussels and about the mayors that have joined: an undoubtedly positive sign that participation will increase in these last 24 days of the final stretch of the European rendezvous. We would like to ask you to promptly report any media coverage, printed or televised, from your city regarding the campaign so that, in our next issue of "Freedom for Tibet", we may print these updates and create a European Press kit.

Best of luck in the work ahead!


Participation by Dutch citizens in the Brussels Demonstration will be heavy. In strict cooperation with the Tibet Support Groups, Jampa TSERING, Vice-Secretary General to the UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization), informs us of the work initiated to involve the Dutch media and Dutch parliamentarians. Many delegations from unrepresented nations and peoples living in Western Europe have demonstrated great enthusiasm for and solidarity with the Tibetan cause and will take part in the March on Brussels: South-Moluccans, West-Papuans, Crimean Tataries, Assyrians, Eastern Turkistanis, Abkhasians and Circassians will all be present at the March 10th Demonstration. We will keep you up to date in the coming issues of "Freedom for Tibet."


Already 50 sympathizers from Munich and 20 from Hamburg have agreed to participate in the March on Brussels. Moreover, groups intending to be present in Brussels on March 10th are forming all over the place: in Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, etc. In her last update to us, Monika DELMANN-CLEMENS points out that the TID (Tibet Initiative Deutschland) is organizing bus transportation to Brussels and that all those interested should contact Mr. Ludwig CLEMENS @ +49.7071.76.116 or fax +49.7071.75.365.


Ms. Paula DE WYS-KOOLKIN reports to us that the Buddhist Center "Maitreya," has already filled at least one bus for Brussels with students and will cancel class on Sunday, March 10 for the occasion.


The "Tibet Support Committee" and the Tibetan Community in Denmark reports that 15 Copenhaganis will participate in the Demonstration, but transportation to Brussels will be by individual cars. If you need transportation or would like to offer a place in your vehicle, please contact Sonam WANGCHEN @ Rorsangorvej 35, st. tv., 2400 Copenhagen NV. Tel. +45.311.01.527 or fax. +45.339.198.19


The Tibetan Community-in-exile, the Radical Party, and the Tibet Support Groups are organizing a series of publicity campaigns within the Americas to broaden support of Tibetan liberation before the next anniversary of the nonviolent insurrection in Lhasa. Differing slightly from Europe, the strategy in the US has been to consolidate the varying initiatives into one program. Marino BUSDACHIN, Radical Party representative to the United Nations, reports that all sympathizers to the Tibetan cause are invited to converge in Washington on March 9th for a three-day program of Tibetan initiatives. The program will begin with the "American Conference on Tibet" with the notable participation, among others, of Prof. SAMDHONG Rinpoche, President of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile; Harry WU, noted Chinese dissident; Prof. LUTTWAK; Nancy PELOSI, Congressional representative; and Charlie ROSE. On March 10th, the participants will demonstrate in front of the Chinese Embassy to the United States in Washington whereby the M

arch for the Freedom of Tibet will begin. After passing through dozens of American cities on its path, the march will arrive in New York on April 25th where it will conclude with a large demonstration in front of the United Nations Building. Considering the importance of this event and the political ties that unite the two demonstrations in both Europe and in America, we have decided to print the itinerary of the American program for Tibetan liberation in Second Page.


In the last four days, 29 adhesions to the initiative have been announced by mayors from five European countries, bringing the total number of local administrations among 21 countries to 227. This March 10th, the Tibetan flag will fly proudly from the following municipalities: we have from FRANCE, - thanks to the diligent solicitation of the "Comite de Soutien au Peuple Tibetain" in Paris - Michel BERCON mayor of CROSNE, Yvon BEUCHON mayor of LA-CHAPELLE-SAINT-URSIN, Pierre COHEN mayor of RAMONVILLE-SAINT-AGNE, Michel ESNEU mayor of DOL-DE-BRETAGNE, Maurice HUBERT mayor of BAZEMONT, Robert IMBERT mayor of SAINT-MARTIN DE LA BRASQUE, Alain LE FEBVRE mayor of AIX-NOULETTE, Jean-François LONGEOT mayor of ORNANS, Pierre MAGNIN-FEYSOT mayor of LE RUSSEY, Jean-Pierre QUCHEIDA mayor of LIEVIN; from SWITZERLAND, - thanks to the initiatives of the Tibetan Community - Walter BOSSHARD mayor of HORGEN, Bruno ISERING mayor of FLAWIL, R. SCHWEGLER, mayor of OETWIL-am-SEE; from BELGIUM, Yves de JONGHE D'ARDOYE mayor of

IXELLES; from the UKRAINE, Petr Andreevich DIDYK mayor of IZUM; from ITALY, Giuseppe MILAN mayor of COLOGNO MONZESE (MI), Giuseppe PAROLARI mayor of NAGO-TORBOLE (TN), Alfio NICOTRA Mayor of MILO, BAMBAGIONI mayor of SIGNA (FI), Stefano ALQUATI mayor of RIVAROLO MONTANO (MN), Eraldo GIULI mayor of PETRELLA SALTO (RI), Gian Carlo RICCA mayor of CESARA (VB), Olinto BARTALUCCI mayor of ROCCASTRADA (GR), Fabio BERETTA mayor of PADENGHE SUL GARDA (BS), Stefano CIMICCHI mayor of ORVIETO (TR), Giuseppe FALZONE mayor of DELIA (CL), mayor of CINISELLO BALSAMO (MI), Romano NASCETTI mayor of LOIANO (BO), Nunzio PARRINELLO mayor of MALETTO (CT), Fortunato TURCATO mayor of UGGIATE TREVANO (CO); from HUNGARY, Sandor SUHAI mayor of NAGYKANIZSA, Attila VARHEGYI mayor of SZOLNOK.

The objective, once again, is to attain 500 total adherents before March 10th.



The German and Austrian Alliance of Croatia, seated in Osijek,

has announced its adhesion to the March 10th Initiative and its intention to fly on the same date the Tibetan flag from their own headquarters. The President Vesna PICHLER will send a letter to all members of the association inviting them each to fly the flag from their own home.

Furthermore, adhesions came from Vice-Presidents TRINAJSTIC and PESUT of the Democratic Alliance, representational party to the Zagreb Parliament.


The newspaper "El Mundo" will fly the Tibetan flag from theie offices on March 10th.


Adhesion to the Tibetan liberation initiative came in from the Iliaz RAHMAJLI, representative of the Kossovian Government in Tirana.


On February 11th, a meeting of Radical Party sympathizers and members was held in Moscow in order to discuss the current initiatives for Tibetan liberation. Taking part in the work at hand was Navang RABGYAL, representative of the Dalai Lama in Russia, CSI and Mongolia; and Olga ANTONOVA, RP coordinator of the "Freedom in Tibet" Campaign in Russia. The various directives in progress were addressed as well as the organizing of a March 10th Demonstration in Moscow.


In a formal statement addressed to the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs and to the Parliament in Prague, several organizations within the Republic united to request that a parliamentary resolution of condemnation be drawn up against the Chinese occupation of Tibet. 15 organizations signed the declaration including: the Association for a Free Tibet; SOS Tibet; Greenpeace; the Czech Pen-Club Republic; the "Duha" Movement; the Radical Party, the Society for Sustainable Life, the Movement for Civil Solidarity and Tolerance; the Tolerance Foundation and the Artforum-Jazz Section.


At 6:00pm on February 9th, an organizational meeting was held at the Buddhist School of Budapest for members of the "Tibetet Segito Tarsasag" and the RP to discuss initiatives planned for March 10th.


Through an initiative by the "Gruene Klub," the musical group TIPA (Tibetan Institute of the Performing Arts in Dharamsala) has been invited to the Austrian Parliament on March 4th. The greens have also prepared a pamphlet already in distribution regarding the European initiatives for March 10th and Tibetan liberation. For more information contact: Wolfgang KOCH c/o Gruene Klub, tel. +43.1.40110.6697 or fax. +43.1.40110.6676.


Giancarlo DALLA COSTA, from the Pannella-Reformers Club "Nord Milano," reports not only that his city has joined the "A Flag for Tibet" Initiative, but that already 12 participants from Cinisello Balsamo will be present at the Brussels Demonstration.


The Tirolian newspaper, "Tiroler Tageszeitung," printed an article on February 6 interviewing Helmut KOPP, the first Austrian mayor to join the "A Flag for Tibet" Campaign, and Gebhard SCHATZ, initiative organizer in Tirol.


On February 9, "Agence Europe" devoted a quarter-page to an article on the March 10th initiatives. The Brussels Demonstration, the European mayoral Campaign, and the work by the Tibet Intergroup of the EP were just some of the points covered by this fountain of European information.


- Cremona (Italy): 9:00pm, Tuesday, February 13.

Public conference addressing the issue of "A Flag for Tibet" with Agostino MELEGA and Sergio RAVELLI. Address: "Circolo dei Liberi", Corso Vittorio Emanuele 100.

- Perugia (Italy): 11:30am, Saturday, February 17.

Demonstration for "a Tibetan flag on Perugia's city hall." Address: Palazzo dei Priori, across from the Perugian city hall.

- Rennes (France): 11:00am, Wednesday, February 21.

Press conference for "A Flag for Tibet" with Stanislas du GUERNEY, journalist; Whangpo BASHI, vice-representative of the Dalai Lama in Paris; and Juergen TSCHUNCKY, RP member. tel: +

- Brussels (Belgium): 8:00pm, Tuesday, February 27.

Organizational meeting for the demonstration. Address: European Parliament, Eastmann Room, 132, rue Belliard, 1040 Brussels.

(second page)


New horizons for the Tibet Movement

Washington D.C., March 9, 10, and 11, 1996

The conference is sponsored by: The International Campaign for Tibet, Tibetan Rights Campaign, U.S. Tibet Committee, Students for a Free Tibet, Canada Tibet Committee, International Committee of Lawyers for Tibet, The Milarepa Fund, Tibet House, Project Tibet, The Tibetan Community Assistance Project, Capitol Area Tibetan Association, Tibetan Women's Association, East Coast, and The Transnational Radical Party.



8:45am Registration

9:30am Welcoming speech

Lodi G. Gyari, president, International Campaign for Tibet

Rinchen Dharlo, representative of H.H. the Dalai Lama to the Americas

9:45am The Political Status of Tibet

10:30am Pro-active Nonviolence Strategies.

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, Chairman, Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies

Moderator: Doug Weiner

Recognition of delegates to the Beijing women's conference and October hunger strikers

Panelist: Gendun Rinchen, tour guide, former prisoner of conscience.

12:30pm Lunch intermission (regional caucuses to meet)

1:30pm Workshop I: Understanding China - Impact of Pressure on Tibet.

Coordinator: Jigme Ngapo

Discussion leaders: Orville Schell, Liu Binyan, Haipei Xue

Prominent scholars, activists and China watchers - with diverse viewpoints on issues relating to Tibet - will discuss how recent changes in China are affecting Tibet. Workshop participants will also propose suggestions on how best to reach out to Chinese communities.

Workshop II: Improving Coordination and Communication

Coordinator: Kunzang Yuthok

Discussion leaders: Glen Gilbert, Meta McGarbey, Dan Hodel, Carole Samdup, Beata Tikos

Discussion on ways to increase the effectiveness of the Tibet movement through improved coordination and communication. Distribution of action alerts, organizing a Tibet presence at the Atlanta Summer Olympics and other grassroots campaigns will also be addressed.

3:30pm Workshop III: International Parliamentary and Governmental Initiatives.

Coordinator: Rachel Lostumbo

Discussion leaders: Thubten Samdup, Eva Herzer, Marino Busdachin, Staff of the U.S. Congress.

This workshop will discuss the current status of government and UN support, and the ways in which Tibetan support groups can help build new energy and commitment to Tibet.

Workshop IV: Activism with a punch - boycotts and divestment.

Moderator: Claudia Cellini

Discussion leaders: John Dinuson, Jeff Fiedler, John Hocevar, David Jacobs, Erin Potts, John Voss, Dechen Wangdu, Anne Hoffman

This workshop brings together a dynamic and growing team of people who are working on economic measures to bring pressure on China. The workshop will coordinate a national boycott and divestment efforts and expand strengthen Students for a Free Tibet chapters.

Workshop V: Humanitarian Aid - Development and Tourism in Tibet.

Coordinator: Kelsang D. Aukatsang

Discussion leaders: Lodi Gyari, Tenzin Takhla, Sonam Zoksang, Ann Oliver

This workshop will explore strategies of using international assistance to improve health and education in Tibet and will discuss the impact and significance of a growing tourism industry in Tibet. There will also be a presentation by the Tibet Fund.

7:00pm Reception by the Capitol Area Tibetan Association.

8:00pm Dinner

Keynote Speaker: Harry WU, prominent Chinese activist for human rights and president of the Laogai Foundation.

Introduction by Congresswoman Nancy PELOSI


10:00am New Horizons for the Tibetan Movement

Moderator: Mark Rovner

Speakers: Lodi Gyari, Dr. Edward Luttwas, Roger Craver, Bob Squire, Joel McCleary.

11:00am Assessing the movement

Moderator: Tenzin N. Tethong

Panelists: reports from the workshops

12:00pm Recognition of Prof. Thubten J. Norbu and marchers to New York.

12:10pm Concluding remarks: Rinchen Dharlo

2:00pm Rally to commemorate the anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising.

location: Chinese Embassy, 2300 Connecticut Ave. Metro: Dupont Circle

3:00pm March for the Tibet's Independence

location: Chinese Embassy

4:00pm Tibetan Association Meeting


9:00pm Session on Lobbying

location: Capitol Hill

Coordinator: Rachel Lostumbo

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