Today, on February 28, 4:00pm, in UNIAN press agency building (Kyiv, Khreschatyk 4), a press conference of Transnational Radical party was held. Alexander Kostritskiy, coordinator of RP in Ukraina, and Natalia Vasiliuk, collaborator of RP Kyiv office, took part in the press conference.
Alexander Kostritskiy has illustrated efforts on following initiatives under the aegis of international campaign "Freedom for Tibet":
the European Demonstration of March 10 in Brussels and the possibility of Ukrainian political parties and public organizations to participate it;
the mayors' campaign for flying Tibetan flags on town halls and the activity for this campaign in Ukraina;
"Flag of Tibet in Your Window" campaign in Ukraina;
the parliament initiative for Tibet in Ukraina and discussion of Ukrainian MPs' indifference to brutal violation of human rights in Tibet and unwillingness to adopt any resolution condemning Chinese policy in Tibet;
activity on collecting signatures under the Appeal to Secretary General of UN Butros Ghali with a request to receive Dalai Lama as soon as possible.
Beside of this, Alexander Kostritskiy has informed media representatives about the international seminar "Tibet: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" initiated by Radical party being scheduled on Saturday, March 2, 1996 in Ukrainian Architects' House; and about the protest demonstration in front of Chinese embassy for Ukraina in Kyiv scheduled on March 10, 1996.
Journalist groups of about ten media agencies (newspapers, TV and radio) were present at the press conference. Journalists have expressed a great interest on the cause of Tibet and on Radical party's activity on this problem.
Among questions having been asked at the press conference there were questions concerning the possibility of abolition of death penalty in Ukraina, antiprohibitionist movement in Ukraina and the possibility of introduction of methadone program in Ukraina, and other initiatives of Radical party. Several journalists have scheduled interviews with Alexander Kostritsky.