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Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Budapest - 1 marzo 1996

Newsletter on the campaigns of the Radical Party for the freedom of Tibet.

#13 of March 1, 1996

Editor: Massimo Lensi, Dorottya u. 3.III.em6. - 1051 Budapest (H) - Tel. 36-1-266.34.86 - 266.09.35 - Fax. 11.87.937 - e-mail M.Lensi@agora.stm.it - WWW-Url: htt//:www.agora.stm.it/pr - Telnet: Agora.stm.it

Distribution: Alberto Novi - rue Belliard 89 - Rem 508, 1047 Bruxelles (B); tel. 32-2-2304121, fax 32-2-2303670.

Published in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Croatian and Rumanian.



We are close to reaching the first objective established in Strasbourg: the first 500 adhesions of mayors to the campaign "A Flag for Tibet" by March 10. We are hopeful that with the next edition of "A Flag for Tibet" we will be able to announce the "500 mayors". Its up to us to reinforce, in the remaining days, the campaign by contacting those mayors who are still undecided or in doubt, going over the 500 quota as soon as possible in order to reach 600 and more mayors that will display the flag of the Tibetan people on the Town Halls of their municipalities.

Furthermore, in these last 9 days we must send to the European information organs, the greatest possible number of news on the current campaigns to fill the TV newscasts as well as the pages of daily and weekly publications with articles and interviews on the "Freedom for Tibet" campaign. We would like to suggest to the National Committees to organize, in the first days of next week, some press conferences in their cities in order to begin, where possible, a week of information on the struggle of the Tibetan people.

The march in Brussels, the mayors' campaign, the citizens' campaign for "A Tibetan Flag at your Window" and the appeal to Boutros Ghali that he may receive the Dalai Lama as soon as possible and also the demonstrations coordinated with the European Committee in Moscow, Vienna, Budapest and Kiev, are a common accomplishment from which we must derive, from next weeks on, the outmost possible results.

Good luck to all and "see you in Brussels" in 9 days.


In the past 3 days we have received 57 more adhesions to the initiative from mayors of 8 European countries. The sum total is, therefore, 416 municipalities adhering from 23 countries. The following mayors will display the Tibetan flag on the coming March 10: from Hungary Gabor DEMSZKY Mayor of BUDAPEST; from Austria, thanks to the committment of "Oesterreichischer Tibet Hilfe Tirol", Herwig van STAA Mayor of INNSBRUCK (Olimpyc town), Josef POSCH Mayor of HALL in TIROL, Friedrich ATZL Mayor of WOEGL, Josef HANDLE Mayor of RATTENBERG, Gebhard MOSER Mayor of MILS bei IMST, Herbert MARSCHITZ Mayor of KUFSTEIN; from France Guy JOUHIER Mayor of ACIGNE, Antoine TRYSTRAM Mayor of SEMBLANCAY, Henri STOLL Mayor of KAYSERSBERG, Denis CHEZON Mayor of US, the Mayor of ROSHEIM, André VEYRAT Mayor of SAUNT-LAURENT LA VERNEDE, Pierre LE TREUT Mayor of CHATEAUGIRON (Bretagne), Thierry MARIANI Mayor of VALREAS (Vaucluse), Michel HERVE Mayor of PARTHENAY and, thanks to the support of "Association France-Tibet du Nord/Pas du C

alais", Patrice DELALEU Mayor of SERVINS, Guy MARLES Mayor of HERSIN-COUPIGNY and Jacques MELLICK Mayor of BETHUNE; from Germany Kurt MACHENS Mayor of HILDESHEIN (Niedersachsen), Fritz STAHL Mayor of TRAUNSTEIN, Otto KELLING Mayor of KIEL; from Luxembourg Irma KZIPPES Mayor of MOMPACH, Henri FRANK Mayor of MANTERNACH; from Spain Juan Ramon LARRANAGA MERCERO Mayor of LEGAZPI; from Belgium Willy BORSUS Mayor of SOMME-LEUZE, Patrick MORIAU Mayor of CHAPELLE-LEZ-HERLAIMONT; from Swizterland Claire-Lise RICHARD Mayor of GOLLION; from Italy Fausto CANU Mayor of DORGALI (NU), Carlo DEGRADI Mayor of TRIBIANO (MI), Giovanni MALSERVIGI Mayor of POGGIO RENATICO (FE), Marco RE Mayor of SEDRIANO (MI), Gilberto DINDALINI Mayor of CIVITELLA IN VAL DI CHIANA (AR), Flavio MAURI Mayor of LAMBRUGO (CO), Rodolfo PACINI Mayor of TUORO AL TRASIMENO (PG), Enzo NOVELLI Mayor of RONCHI DEI LEGIONARI (GO), Nazzareno TACCONI Mayor of MONSAMPOLO DEL TRONTO (AP), Valter BONAN Mayor of PEDAVENA (BL), Albamaria CONTINELLI Mayor of MODIGLI

ANA (FO), Carlo MOSCARDINI Mayor of LASTRA A SIGNA (FI), Giulio BERTINATO Mayor of ALTAVILLA VICENTINA (VI), Paolo BODINI Mayor of CREMONA, Raffaele LEONE Mayor of NOTO (SR), Carmine PADUANO, Mayor of CIMITILE (NA), Giulio PANTANETTI Mayor of URBISAGLIA (MC), Marino QUARESIMIN Mayor of VICENZA, Piero FLORIANI Mayor of PISA, Gabriele SANTONI Mayor of S.GIULIANO TERME (PI), Marco MOLGORA Mayor of OSNAGO (LE), Paolo MAGGIOLINI Mayor of BAREGGIO (MI), Graziano MILIA Mayor of QUARTU S.ELENA (CA), Annamari a BIGOSI Mayor of RUFINA (FI), Tiziana IEMMOLO Mayor of LONDA (FI), Gianbattista DE SETA Mayor of FUSCALDO (CS), Antonella BRUNO GANERI Mayor of PAOLA (CS), Cristiano CERAGIOLI Mayor of CAMAIORE.



A representative with Bosnia-Herzegovina national flag, will be present at the demonstration of Brussels for the freedom of Tibet. After the adhesion of the Mayor of Sarajevo, one of the first to decide to display the Tibetan flag at his City Hall, another concrete act in support of the Tibetan struggle is coming from people only recently out of the horrors of a war lasted 4 years. This important news is coming to us directly from Sarajevo where Sandro Ottoni, member of the General Counsel of the Radical Party, is now to deliver the Tibetan flag to the Mayor of the capital of Bosnia.


CSPT of Paris is informing us that there are already 80 members of the association who will participate to the march in Brussels, and that the total number of buses ready to leave for Brussels are 5 while there are another 3 that will leave from Marseille, Toulouse and Bordeaux. The CSPT is informing us, furthermore, that the exhibit "Tibet baillonne" in Macon, organized in cooperation with the "Collectif 71 pour le Tibet", has been visited by at least 100 people and that on the upcoming March 10, on the initiative of the local Buddhist group, the Tibetan drama will be remembered in all the city parishes.


- Belgium/Ecolo: with a letter of their national secretary, Jacki Morael, Belgian Ecologists have adhered to the Platform.

- European Parliament: with the adhesion of Anne ANDRE-LEONARD (ELDR), James MOORHOUSE (EPP), Heidi HAUTALA (Greens) Hedy d'ANCONA (ESP), Kyosti TOIVONEN (EPP), Ana PALCIO (EPP), Rinaldo BONTEMPI (ESP), Ernesto CACCAVALE (EPU), Maria Paola COLOMBO SVEVO (EPP) and Jessica LARIVE (ELDR), the European deputies that have undersigned the Platform are up to 45.

- Luxembourg: has adhered François Kuffer, Deputy of the Granduchy's Parliament.

- Hungary: has Adhered Tamas Tirts, Deputy of Fidesz-Mpp.

- Russia/Duma: have adhered Aleksandr Petrovich Pichinok (Independent) and Sergej Semenovich Bosholov (Our Home Russia), both deputies of the Russian Duma.

- Italy/Buddhist Centers: have adhered the Tibetan Buddhist Center "Ewan" of Florence and "Milarepa" of Val della Torre (Turin).


Angelo Lana, coordinator, on behalf of the Italian trade union C.G.I.L. (Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro), has adhered to the Platform of Brussels. In the letter of adhesion, the C.G.I.L. asks "that the Chinese authorities open a dialogue with the Dalai Lama, Nobel Peace Prize, and with the representatives of the social, political and cultural expressions of the Tibetan reality, in order to reach a negotiated definition of the relations between Tibet and the Peoples Republic of China on the respect of the political, cultural and religious rights of the Tibetan people".


The "Convergencia de Catalunya" party has sent a letter to all its mayors (about 200) asking them to adhere to the campaign "A Flag for Tibet".


To the initiative are adhering Mirjana Cupic and Ivana Radic on behalf of the Croatian humanitarian organization "Multicultural Network Relief".

On March 10 they will display the Tibetan flag in their headquarters.


Michel Herve, Mayor of Parthenay, former MEP and co-founder of the Tibet Intergroup to the EP, has adhered to the campaign "A Flag for Tibet".


We are still receiving testimonials by Italian artists in support of the March 10 campaigns: the well-known musician Ennio Moricone has adhered to the Platform of Brussels.


Our friends in this area of Italy are organizing a bus to participate to the demonstration in Brussels. To reserve a place, please contact: Dominique Velati, tel/fax 0322-83.88.80.


On February 23, in the daily "Ouest France", there was an article on the press conference held in Rennes with Wangpo Bashi, vice-representative of the Dalai Lama in Paris and Jurgen Tschuncki of the Radical Party. The article, entitled "Le Drapeu du Tibet sur la mairie". reports news on the march in Brussels, on the development of the campaign "A Flag for Tibet" and on the international appeal to Boutros Ghali to receive the Dalai Lama as soon as possible.


In the past few days, on some Hungarian newspapers, have been published interviews with members of the "Hungarian Committee for March 10": Friday, February 23, "Esti Hirlap" (an evening paper of Budapest) and "Blikk" (a daily of Budapest) reported news on the march in Brussels and the campaign "A Flag for Tibet"). In addition, MTV (Hungarian Tv), on Saturday, February 24, transmitted a brief interview with Tibor Jankovich on the current political campaigns for Tibet. Tibor Hendrei, instead, released an interview to Radio Szolnok.


On the second page we are publishing the text of the European Committee press release on the convening of the press conference in Brussels in presentation of the march. It can be used as an outline for analogous press conferences of the National Committees. We are also publishing the biography of Prof. Samdhong Rimpoche who will participate to the press conference in Brussels, Monday, March 4, and which could be useful for a distribution to the journalists attending.


After the subscription of Navang Rabgyal, representative of the Dalai Lama in Moscow and of Rinchen Dharlo, representative of the Dalai Lama in New York, also Patrik Maton, President of "Les Amis du Tibet - Belgique" and member of the European Committee for March 10, has announced his subscription to the Radical Party for 1996.


- Trieste (Italy). Saturday, 2 March: roundtable on Tibet. Participants: Guido Gerin, President of the International Institute on Human Rights, Vincenzo Sinagra, Lecturer of International Law at the University of Rome, and Paolo Pietrosanti, member of the General Counsel of the Radical Party. Address: Via Cantu' 10.

- Kiev (Ukraine). Saturday, March 2: first seminary in Ukraine for the freedom in Tibet: initiatives and parliamentarian activities in support of the struggle of the Tibetan people.

- Budapest (Hungary). Monday, 4 March (at 11am): press conference introducing the day of March 10. Participants: Chope Paljor Tsering, representative of the Dalai Lama in Budapest, Tibor Hendrei and Tibor Jankovich of the "Tibetet Segito Tarsasag", Tashi Chodon of the local Tibetan community, and Massimo Lensi of the Radical Party. Address: cinema Vorosmarty, Kalvin ter.

- Moscow (Russia). Monday, 4 March (at 8.30pm): program at Radio Echo Mosckvy on the March 10 initiatives with Navang Rabgyal, representative of the Dalai Lama in Moscow and Olga Antonova of the Radical Party.

- Brussels (Belgium). Monday, 4 March (at 12:30): press conference in presentation of the March 10 Demonstration with Prof. Samdhong Rimpoche, Adelaide Aglietta (MEP), Henri Simons (city of Brussels), Olivier Dupuis of the European Coordination and Thomas Nagant of the Belgian Coordination. Address: Hotel Eurovillage, Boulevard Charlemagne 80, 1040 Brussels.

- Verbania-Pallanza (Italy). Monday 4 March (at 9pm): conference for the freedom of Tibet with representatives of "Italia-Tibet" and the Radical Party. Address: Palazzo Flaim (conference room).

- Brussels (Belgium). Tuesday, 5 March (at 8pm): conference of Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, President of the Tibetan Parliament in exile. "Satyagraha: the Tibetan method of nonviolent struggle".

- Moscow (Russia). Tuesday, 5 March: press conference introducing the day of March 10.

- Prague (Czech Republic). Thursday, 7 March. Concert for freedom in Tibet with numerous Czech music bands: Jiri Stivin, Oldrich Janota, Vladimir Merta, Zuzana Navarova. Address: Club Belmondo.

- Arona (Italy). Thursday, 7 March (at 8.30pm): conference for freedom in Tibet with representatives of "Italia-Tibet" and of RADICAL PARTY. Address: Municipal Conference Room.

- Szazhalombotta (Hungary). Friday, 8 March (at 5pm): Presentation of the photography exhibit on Tibet. Introduced by Tibor Jankovich of the Budapest TSG. Address: Muzeo Matrica.

- Sunday, 10 March. Brussels (Belgium). European Demonstration (at 11am). Other demonstrations in Europe: Budapest, Vienna, Kiev, Moscow.

(second page)



Brussels, 1 March 1996. The press conference introducing the European march for freedom in Tibet on the upcoming 10 of March, has been scheduled for Monday, 4 March at 12:30, at the Hotel Eurovillage (Boulevard Charlemagne 80, 1040 Bruxelles).


- Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile and Director of the Tibetan Institute of Advanced Studies.

- Adelaide Aglietta, European Parliamentarian, co-chairman of the Tibet Intergroup at the EP.

- Henri Simons, councilman of the Brussels municipality.

- Olivier Dupuis, Secretary of the Radical Party and coordinator of the European Organizing Committee.

- Patrick Maton, President of "Les Amis du Tibet - Belgique" and member of the European Organizing Committee.

- Thomas Nagant, Les Amis du Tibet - Belgique and coordinator of the Belgian Organizing Committee.

During the conference, the goals of the European mobilization "Freedom for Tibet", the results of the campaign directed to the European mayors "A Flag for Tibet" which will see the Tibetan flag displayed on the Town Halls, and the objectives to follow the 10 of March will be illustrated.

For organizational reasons, the representatives of information media, are invited to inform about their participation (Paolo Atzori, tel. 230.41.21 - fax 230.36.70).

Translation will be available (English/French)

European Committee of March 10

Tel. 32-2-230.41.21

fax. 32-2-230.36.70


Biography of Prof. SAMDHONG Rinpoche

President of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile.

Member of the Preparatory Commission for the charter of the Tibetans in Exile and the Future Constitution of Tibet.

Rector of the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies.


Professor Samdhong Rinpoche was born in 1939 in Tibet, in Nagdug, a village in the province Kham. He has accomplished all steps of the monastic ordination and has the title of Bhiktshu Mahathero.

He started his monastic studies in Tibet in 1951 at the University of Drepung and continued them, after the Chinese occupation of Tibet, at the new monastic university of Drepung, which was re-established in India. In 1970, he obtained the highest degree of "geshe", or doctor in Buddhist sciences, in the monastery of Gyuto, which was also re-established in India, in Dalhousie.

Since 1961, Professor Samdhong Rinpoche, eminent scholar, has had important functions in different Tibetan schools: Simla, Darjeeling and Dalhousie. In 1971, he was appointed Director of the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in Vanarasi in India, where he is Rector since 1988.

Since 1994, he has been part of various academic and administrative councils at several Indian Universities.

At the same time, he was in charge of these university functions, Professor Samdhong Rinpoche was also, from 1970 to 1973, vice-President of the Congress of Tibetan Youth. Presently he assumes different administrative tasks in request of the Tibetan Government-in-exile and the Indian government:

By appointment of His Holiness the Dalaï Lama, he is:

1. Member of the Central Tibetan Schools' Administration (CTSA) in New Delhi.

2. Deputy chairman of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA) in Dharamsala.

By appointment of the Indian government, he is:

3. Member of the executive board of the Indian Council for Philosophical Research (ICPR).

4. Member of the executive board of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta.

In the meantime, Professor Samdhong Rinpoche is:

5. Member of the executive board of the Krishnamurti Foundation in India.

6. Counselor at the World Peace University, USA.

7. Counselor at the Institution for Asian Democracy in New York.

8. Member of the executive board of the Foundation for Universal Responsibility, New Delhi.

Moreover, Professor Samdhong Rinpoche is responsible for the entire publications at the Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies. He has published over sixty articles and interviews in different university publications and in the press.

Professor Samdhong Rinpoche is fluent in: Tibetan, English, Hindi, and Sanskrit.

Address: Chairman, Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies

P.O. DHARAMSALA - 176215 Dist. Kangra, H.P. INDIA

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