Final list of adhesions of parties, groups and associationsa) Parties represented in Parliament (11):
* Austria (2)
- Liberal Forum
- Greens
* Belgium (1)
- Ecolo
* Bulgaria(1)
- Christian Republican Party
* Croatia (1)
- HNS (Croatian People's Party)
* France (1)
- Radical
* Italy (1)
- P.S.d.A. (Sardinian Party of Action)
* Macedonia (1)
- Democratic Party
* Ukraine (1)
- Liberal Party
* Hungary (1)
- FIDESZ-MPP (Alleance of Young Democrats-Hungarian Civic Party)
* Voivodina (1)
- VMDK (Alleance of Hungarians of Voivodina)
b) Groups and associations (34):
* Albania (1)
- Dardania, Alleance of students of Kosovo in Albania
* Bulgaria (1)
- Association of bulgarian-tibetan friendship
* Belgium (1)
- Community of Albanians from Albania and Kosovo residents in Belgium
* Croatia (3)
- Alleance of Germans and Austrians of Croatia
- Democratic Alleance of Rijeka
- Net of multicultural help (Mreza multikulturalne pomoci)
* France (1)
- Movement of Citizens
* Germany (1)
- Community of Turkestans from the East, resident in Europe
* Hungary (3)
- Fondation BOCS, Budapest
- Antimilitarist Circle "Alba Kor"
- Green Alternative
* Italy (13)
- A.R.C.I.
- Buddist Center Milarepa di Val della Torre (Torino)
- Buddist Center Vajrayana (Karme Cio Ling), Brescia
- CGIL (General Confederation Italia of labour)
- Institut Lama Tzong Khapa from Pomaia (Pisa)
- Italian Buddist Union
- Tibetan Buddist Center Ewan (Firenze)
- World Wildlife Fund, Italy
- Tibetan Buddist Center Sakya Kun - Ga Cholin from Triest;
- (ACRA), Association for Rural Cooperation in Africa and Latin America (Milano)
- "Mani Tese" Organization against hunger and for people's development from Mailand
- City Council of CESENATICO
- Regional Council of Emilia Romagna
- "Hands off Cain" - League of citizens and parlamentarians for the abolition of the death penalty by the year 2000
* Kosovo (1)
- Government of Kosovo
* Russian Federation (4)
- Antifashist Youth Assotiation (AYA)
- Association "Civil Peace"
- Government of Repubblic of Kalmucchia
- Radical Antimilitarist Association (ARA)
* Ukraine (3)
- Assotiation "Dalekyi Shkid"
- Christian-democratic Youth
- Party of Admirors of the beer