There is almost no mentioning of March 10 manifestation in Russian media: neither in Brussels, nor in Moscow.
At March 10, Russian TV (Channel 2) transmitted two news services about manifestations: from Brussels (without indication to the Radical Party) and from Moscow (with indication to the RP).
Radio "Eho Moskvy" at 7.00 PM on March 10 transmitted news service from manifesation near Chinese embassy in Moscow including short interview with Navang Rabgyal and Nikolaj Khramov.
At March 10 Moscow News has published a full page article about Tibet - "The Last Train To Lhasa" - written by Aleksandr Burtin. The English version of the article will be inserted in Agora' in two days.
Apart of it, no newspaper, no TV or radio program in Russia mentioned the day of March 10th till now.